The coin bears the interlaced OL antimony marks on the reverse for the Olérys and Laugier workshop and the initial P for the famous decorator Jean-François Pelloquin. This brand association also attests that the piece was manufactured before 1748, the date of departure of Pelloquin from this manufacture, just after Joseph Olérys' death. This large sizes ceramic is scalloped in shape, rests on 4 imposing protruding feet in the shape of 4 lying lions, and ends with 2 Indians or grotesques' heads .
The central mytghological decoration features ancient deity Orpheus charming animals, seated on a rock, wearing a breastplate and leaning on a lyre, surrounded by 2 felines in a forest landscape. The scene is framed by a large polychrome floral frieze. The "grand feu" polychromy used here allows the use of blue (cobalt oxide) green (copper oxide) ocher (antimony oxide) and manganese (oxide of the same name).
The basin outline is decorated with rich floral garlands with same colors.
Condition: the piece has been perfectly restored by our workshop and the old cracks and fels are now perfectly invisible. Please check many detailed photos. We can add more by email on request at
Very large dimensions (49cm long * 34cm wide * 10cm high)
We will also notice the extreme decoration finesse, having made this factory and its great ceramic painter reputation.