These 2 pieces have been part of public EXHIBITION "OBJETS SACRES, OBJETS SECRETS" from June 13 to 17/10/1993 in FRENCH St ANTOINE DE L'ABBAYE MUSEUM (Isère)
Exceptional Pacific ethnographic set / SEPIK New Guinea consisting of:
*a very high mask with ancestor figure shield shape (height 105cm !!!), polychrome wooden painted with vegetable colors, inlaid of fine and curved warthog teeth, caury shells and nasa, plant fibers
Sizes 105cm high by 40cm large
*a Ceremonial tribal axe "herminette": a carved and polished stone axe (nephrite ?) is stamped in a wooden support and fixed by rattan fibers ligatures, feathers including casoar. it's still still covered by an ancestor mask painted in plant colours
Sizes 71-55cm
The 2 pieces can eventually be sold separately (please ask me by email to, even it would be a shame in my opinion to separate them !
The two pieces came from private ethnographic collection