** 18th century I think **
Length: 7.3 / Height: 6.5 cm / Depth: 4.4 cm / Weight: 345 g
Nandi (mythology): In Hinduism, Nandi or Nandin ("happy"), sometimes called Nandikeshvara (the "lord of joy"), is the son of Surabhî and Kashyapa, the guardian of the quadrupeds. It is the vâhana of Shiva, the white bull which serves as his mount1, given to the god by Daksha. We also find him very generally represented lying in front of the entrance of the temples dedicated to the god where the devotees venerate him. We speak to him in his ear and being located in front of Shiva, he will transmit our request to him. Nandi is sometimes also represented with the body of a man and the head of a bull. Shiva is Nandishvara, the "lord of Nandi". According to the Shaivite Puranas, Nandin represents the omnipresent Dharma ("Good Law" which sustains the cosmos). It is also called Shâlankâyana and Tândava-Tâlika. Its form Vrishabha is the Taurus of the Indian Zodiac.
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