"Dheulland (guillaume) - Theater Of War Present In Germany. 1758."
DHEULLAND (Guillaume) - Theater of war present in Germany, containing the geographical description of the countries where it is currently done with the historical journal of the military operations of the armies of the belligerent powers: accompanied by a large number of maps relating to these operations, & plans of the main towns mentioned in this work. Paris, Chez Guillyn and Duchesne, 1758; in-12, VIII, 234pp. errata, approval and privilege, table and 39 cards, most of them folding, binding at the end of the 19th century in half-vellum, smooth spine, black title piece. This book deals with the Seven Years' War. The second volume is an atlas illustrating the volume of text. It contains a general map of the theater of war and maps and battle plans of Lowowitz, Reichenberg, Prague, Chotzenitz, Hastenbeck, Jagersdorf, Rosbach, Breslaw, Grevdt, Sandherhausen, Zorndorf, Luternberg, Hoch-Kirch.