Hispano-moresque Gramophone Unique flag

Object description :

"Hispano-moresque Gramophone Unique"
A very unique and rare gramophone made by a Sevillian jeweler for the Gramophone Exhibition in Seville in 1925 which was awarded with a silver medal, it was purchased by General Norrio, who kept it hidden during the Spanish Civil War and reappeared in 1963 The gramophone is shaped like a Hispano-Moorish temple with twelve faces in silver plated brass. The articulated dome opens to form a resonator with convertible tonearm for lateral or vertical discs. On a wooden base. Dargent plated brass is generally decorated with Moorish motifs and calligraphy. The silver plate is original like the other parts of this gramophone.It measures approximately 63cm high and was sold on Christies in the 1970s.Weight 40kg.It is an all original museum piece and in operating condition.
Price: 27 400 €
Period: 20th century
Style: Orientalism
Condition: Excellent condition

Material: Bronze

Reference: 783361
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Florin Antiques
Meubles et Objets d'art du XVIIIe et XIXeme
Hispano-moresque Gramophone Unique
0034 671 362 406
0034 671 362 406

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