"Hegesippi - Historiography Inter Christianos Antiquissimi. Postincunable 1524 Badius In Paris."
HEGESIPPI - Historiographie inter christianos antiquissimi & verissimi historia, De bello judaico, Scaeptri sublatione, Judeorum dispersione, Et Hierosolymitano excidio, A diuo Ambrosio Mediolanen Antisstite e gracae latina sacta, Cumeiusdem anacephale Josphogru and Tabris libellis cuuiaru. Permisso cim index sub ferie literaria. Paris, Josse Badius, 1524; in-4, LXXXVI (192 pages), vintage half-parchment binding, recovered paper cover, smooth spine. A printed title page. The corner of the page at the top right of the book is damaged in the margin on 10 pages. Texts of Hégésippe, (born around 115 in Jerusalem and died in 180) a Christian writer of the 2nd century whose history and writings are mainly known to us from what Eusebius of Caesarea reports in his Ecclesiastical History. Post-incunabulum of 1524, printed in Paris by Josse Badius who is known to be one of Robert Estienne's associates. Josse Badius is from Ghent in Flanders. We recognize his beautiful brand of printer representing a printing workshop.