"Turpin De CrissÉ - Comments On The Memoirs Of Montecuculi. On The Artillery, 1769."
TURPIN DE CRISSÉ (Lancelot) - Comments on the memoirs of Montecuculi Generalissimo of the armies and Grand Master of the artillery of the Emperor; by Count Turpin de Crissé, Marshal of the King's Camps and Armies, Inspector General of Cavalry and Dragons, of the Academies of Sciences and Belles Lettres of Berlin and Nancy. Paris, Chez Lacombe and Lejay, 1769; in-4, XXI-397, 438, 523 pp., approval and privilege, contemporary speckled calfskin full binding, spine with ribbing decorated with tassels, painted edges. The 3 volumes. The Memoirs of Montécuculi are divided into three books. In the first two, it included all the military principles, beginning with the simplest elements, and rising by degrees to the most sublime ideas. The third contains his Reflections on the Hungarian Wars, from 1660 until 1664, when Raimondo Montecuculi won over the Turks the memorable battle of Saint-Gothard. Lancelot Turpin de Crissé confined himself most often to explaining its author; but although imbued with respect for the talents of this great general, he does not think himself obliged to always be of his opinion, and he refutes it in what he advances that is inaccurate or erroneous. This work contains a frontispiece and 43 plates. It is more than possible that a cannonball fired by Montecuculi killed Marshal de Turenne. Raimondo Montecuculi would then have exclaimed: "A man died today who did honor to Man!".