"Canue De Lait, Laiton. Normandie. Au XIXe Siècle."
Egg-shaped belly, formed by hammering two halves joined together by a belt with corded molding. Amatis circles decor. Side handle with sides. Tapered collar with scalloped collar. Stepped lid and trigger guard, with sheet iron socket in accordance with tradition. The weighting of the exterior base and the interior tinning attest to the utilitarian vocation of this rod which has nothing in common with the banal “decorative models” intended for naive tourists, lovers of holiday memories in Normandy… Until the beginning of the 20th century century, the milking of cows took place in the pastures. The milk collected in a bucket was then filtered using a milk strainer, or couloir, with a very fine bore, positioned on the neck of the cane. Then a pack donkey carried 4 to 6 canes filled with milk, to the farm. (See photo n ° 4: explicit postcard). The milk cane perfectly symbolizes the main activity of Normandy in the past: dairy farming. It comes in several sizes, with sometimes variations depending on the cantons: 2 handles at Périer, an axial handle deviated at St Lô. The copy we are presenting is indeed from the 19th century, and its condition is close to the original new one. Total height: 38.5 cm. Diameter: 32 cm. Free shipping by COLISSIMO for mainland France.