"Magnificent Tanto Blade Signed Toshimitsu Edo Era - Shinshinto"
Magnificent blade of Tanto Zaimei (signed) 2 Ji 利 光 Toshimitsu, in Shirasaya, dating from the end of the Edo Era, Shinshinto.
Name of the blacksmith : Toshimitsu 利 光, more precisely 一心 子 利 光 作 : Isshin Shi Toshimitsu 1830-1844
Place : Musashi
Blacksmith's classification : TOS 54
Signature (With) : Zaimei 2 Ji 利 光 Toshimitsu
Registration certificate (compulsory) Torokusho: N ° 89933, issued by the Prefecture of the Osaka region.
Dimensions : 22.8cm Inscribed on : 03/27/1980 with name Zaimei 2 Ji 利 光 Toshimitsu
Forge school : Suishinshi Masahide - Location: Musashi
Period : Tempo era 1830-44, Musashi region, TOS 54)
Characteristics :
Sugata / Tsukurikomi (the profile and the section) of type : Moroha-Zukuri which is an old profile, presenting a quasi-central longitudinal ridge a section in the shape of a "diamond". (therefore without Yokote)
No-hi (without groove)
Dimension of the Moto-haba : 2.9cm and the Moto-gasane : 0.6cm
Weigh : 206 grs
Nagasa : 22.8 cm
Total length of the weapon : 32.1 cm
Kissaki type : O-kissaki (from fact that it is a Moroha Zukuri blade)
Mune type : Iori Mune
Nakago type : Standard, Futsu-Gata Nakago-jiri (End) type: Ha-agari-kuri-jiri - Original "UBU" (d 'origin without foreshortening) Yasurime (lime lines) of type : Kiri, Ichimonji (straight)
Mekugi-ana : 1 Sori of type : Height of the curvature: 0.2 cm - Of typ e: Uchizori (inner curvature) The curvature of the sword presents a slight inflection at the point.
Hamon type : Suguha en Nie-deki - Hara-nie (Nie large)
Boshi type : Ko-maru-sagari
Jihada type : Masame-hada
Polishing : Good polishing with Nagashi on the Nakago and on the Mune at the level du Kissaki
No expertise by (NBTHK,NTHK...)
Condition : Good
Habaki type : Muji, in 1 single piece, in copper
Steel type : Tamahagane
Blade defects : In good condition, some minor scratches are present due to the age of the blade.