Batak Culture, Sumatra
First half of the 20th century
Brass, wood and iron
Length: 61.5; Wt: 7; Long. lame: 24.5 cm
Saber with a single-edged iron blade, brass handle animated by a seated figure in the round, hands resting on knees. The wooden scabbard is trimmed in brass and copper. The important bouterolle is arched, in brass. A bail bracelet supported a chain limited to a ring on the upper part of the scabbard.
This saber is not used for combat but is a traditional object passed down from generation to generation. The term Piso Gaja Dompak has a special meaning: "piso" means "knife", "gaja" refers to the elephant and "dompak" to the idea of talisman. Also, this saber would be a blade combining the form of the elephant's tusk and supernatural powers.
Text and photos © FCP CORIDON