"Old Painting From The Eighteenth Century Roman School"
ANCIENT PAINTING OF THE ROMAN SCHOOL OF THE XVIITH CENTURY "THE SUICIDE OF PORTIA" Oil painting on canvas Canvas size 100 X 77 cm Porcia, also known in Italian as Porzia (... - 42 BC. -C.), Was a Roman nobleman, daughter of Cato Uticense and his first wife Atilia. He first married Marco Calpurnio Bibulo (a political ally of his father) and later Marco Giunio Bruto, his first cousin. According to Plutarch, she had a deep wound in her leg to persuade Brutus to share the plans to kill Caesar. He committed suicide before Brutus died at the Battle of Philippi, it is said by swallowing lighted coal. In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar tragedy, the name is written as Portia and she is killed by swallowing fire. She and Brutus had a son, who died as a child in 43 BC.