"Napoleon III Brooch."
Set with small diamonds, old cut, this adorable little brooch is in gold plated with silver as evidenced by the check mark representing an eagle's head, it is the hallmark in force for gold since 1838. In flower-shaped, it is made up of a double row of petals that radiate around a small central diamond, the setting of which takes the shape of a star. It is for my part the first time that I see a jewel in silvered gold, a friend gemologist and jeweler gave me the following explanation which I transmit to you without great guarantee because I did not find any confirmation of it. The reason would be that to appear less rich and for more discretion certain bourgeois would have liked such jewels, but perhaps it is only a question of the wish of a few elegant women to have a jewel in the color of silver which is in a more metal. precious and more resistant, to my knowledge white gold did not yet exist! The result is no less attractive and this brooch will be the most beautiful effect to keep closed a blouse top or join the two sides of a stole. Napoleon III period. Diameter 30 mm weight 7 gram