"Ancient Reliquary Fetish Nkonde, Nkisi, Kongo - Zaire"
Patinated wood sculpture covered with feathers, earth, magic load ropes on the back and on the stomach in organic and vegetal materials, nails planted in the foot and the base Wood split by the seniority on the base, face, and head ... height 44cm An Nkisi is a spirit of the world beyond. To face the trials of life (illness, conflict, sterility, witchcraft ...), the Kongo resort to this type of object. Thus supported by a supernatural force from beyond, they try to solve their problem or to intimidate, even punish, the individual who is responsible. The Avenging Nkisi (arm raised with a missing spear) are far from malicious, although this misconception is circulating. They only use destructive means for positive ends. They are supposed to annihilate the perpetrators of misdeeds .... Which is beneficial for the Kongo company whose balance is threatened They are also endowed with an expressive look with the help of glass and or shards of porcelain free shipping in the whole world