"Oil On Canvas - Le Moulins d'Alphonse Daudet - Jules Lefranc (1887-1972)"
Jules Lefranc is a French painter, born in 1887 and died in 1972. His art is described as naive. Naive art is characterized by a disrespect for perspective, as well as popular inspiration. Naive artists are often self-taught. Jules Lefranc made painting his main activity from 1928. The artist produced a lot, leaving behind around a thousand paintings. Part of his work is kept at the Musée du Vieux-Château in Laval, or at the Center Pompidou. The painting here represents the Moulin d'Alphonse Daudet, located in the Bouches-du-Rhône. Visible at the Courcelles Antiquités Gallery, 97 rue de Courcelles, Paris 17th.