"Bureau De Pente à Huit Secrets - Migeon 1748 (attributed)"
The piece of furniture with eight secrets: ARTVAL presents this collector's piece of furniture, executed under the reign of Louis XV around 1748, both desk and treasure chest because of all the drawers it conceals, some of which are of classic detection allowing thus to prevent the visitor from thinking that there are others! Cabinetmaker MIGEON has undoubtedly satisfied a client who had values or secrets to preserve. Sloping coffered desk with many secrets in the tradition of cabinetmaker MIGEON. It is in veneer wood on all sides, satin parquet inlay, violet wood for the frames and mahogany frieze. The frame is in walnut, the flap uncovers six drawers and the front has five drawers, two of which are simulated on a door giving access to a safe. The latter is removable after releasing a lock. The trunk includes a cover accessible behind the double wall of its front and located in the double bottom of the trunk. Inside the office we discover six secret drawers, three of which cannot be found and therefore we are not in the presence of an ordinary piece of furniture, but undoubtedly of a control unit with eight secrets. Its attribution to MIGEON is undeniable, from the Louis XV period around 1748.