"Bronze The Flute Lesson By Jacques Antoine Théodore Coinchon (1814-1881)"
The scene depicted in bronze is in the antique taste: An adult man, a father figure, seated on a tree trunk, teaches the flute to a young boy standing. Their clothes - straw hat, loincloth and tunic - are also. The attitude of the professor - attentive, protective, even affectionate - departs from the idealizing canon of neoclassicism and is more akin to romanticism. All the many details of this bronze are finely modeled and chiseled: Bodies passing through the richly draped clothes of the terrace. From the latter rises the trunk of a tree cut with rough bark. All around ivy and leaves oak cover the ground. The base also bears the signature "Coinchon". This French sculptor was born in Moulins in 1818 and died in Paris in 1881. Very beautiful patina