Engraver: David Wade HARRIS
Manufacturer: Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company
Manufacture: 1883
Caliber: 44-40
Number: 87791
Barrel: 19 cm, interior mirror striped.
Particular sign: supplied with the certificate of David Wade Harris.
The barrel -
Barrel with six chambers, six grooves and six locking notches, central percussion, entirely engraved with foliage scrolls, numbers, heart and stylized letters on a circled background. These later engravings were made by master engraver David Wade Harris.
The carcass -
It follows the same engraved decoration. The three patent date lines are affixed under the barrel: PAT. Sept. 19. 1871 '' July. 2. –72 '' Jan. 19. –75 Pontet engraved with a solar symbol, bears the mention 44CF. Door lock numbered 6091.
The barrel -
Round barrel decorated en suite. One distinguishes among the hemmed leaves the formulas "22P", "TI", the symbol of infinity and, on the top of the barrel, a cartouche mentioning: "Colt's PT.FAMFG.Co Hartford Ct. USA". Subsequently numbered 87791. Extractor rod attached to the right side of the barrel.
David Wade Harris -
A master engraver born in Texas in 1963, David W. Harris worked on the ornamentation of these prestigious weapons for almost 30 years. The steel engraving is carried out in several stages: delimitation of an area which is coated with beeswax then talc, the drawing is then carried out in white powder, scissors, hammer and chisel then dig open areas.
The butt -
Antler pads, blue screws, butt frames signed "DW Harris" and numbered 87791.
Ref. 829
Classée D: Arme de collection