Although the "surtout" appeared on tables as early as the Renaissance, it was not until the 18th and 19th centuries that these table pieces gained in importance and wealth. From a utilitarian element, the "surtout" became a decorative and sumptuous element. It shows the wealth and culture of its owner. Lamps and centrepieces were placed on top of the tableware. Thomire, at the beginning of the 19th century, renewed the decorative repertoire of these supports by developing the neoclassical style.
L:264cm/ l:63cm/ H:18cm.
103.9 in (8 ft, 8 in)/ W: 24.8 in/ H: 7 in
Period: Restauration. Circa 1820
Price: 42000€
Reference: Musée de Marmottan Paris. Surtout-de-table from Lucien Bonaparte. Thomire.
Vergoldete Bronzen, Munich 1989, vol. 2, p. 382, no. 5.16.2.