"At La Fontaine - Bronze By Paul Armand Bayard De La Vingtrie (1846-1900)"
Young woman at the fountain, important bronze sculpture with original brown patina, it is signed PB De la Vingrtie, numbered and bears the foundry stamp of AB Paris on the base of the fountain, the base is swivel, old cast iron from the second half of the 19th century in a beautiful state of conservation. Weight: 27 kg BAYARD DE LA VINGTRIE Paul Armand (1846-1900) sculptor of monuments, statues, he started at the Salon in 1876 and obtained a first medal for Le Charmeur de serpent, bronze of 176 cm which will appear for a time in Parc Montceau, we also owe him the statue of the painter François Lemoine at the town hall of Paris, the equestrian statue of the sculptor Coysevox in Lyon, the funeral monument of Fournier in Nantes,… His production seems rather limited and his works rare on the market in art.