"Reliquary 4 Heads Of Angels Dedicated Ste Colette, St Janvier, St Romuald St Gervais"
Spectacular carved wooden reliquary, at the top an angel surmounted by a ducal crown, on both sides two winged angels enclosed in volutes, the base is composed of claw feet enclosing a sphere on either side of a head of angel The reliquary includes: in the center an oval medallion with the image of the descent from the cross, and on either side of this large medallion, two smaller ones, one integrating an image of Christ, the other at the bottom is composed of a paperwork dedicated to 4 holy characters: Saint Romuald, Saint Gervais, Sainte Colette and Saint Janvier (de Bénévent). very beautiful patina. A crack in the glass of the central medallion. 18th century period.