"Danrit (captain) - La Guerre Fatale (france-england). Flammarion, Around 1890."
DANRIT (Captain) - The Fatal War (France-England). Paris, Flammarion, circa 1890; in-4, 1192 pp., publisher's cardboard signed Engel in full red calico printed with gold and black, publisher's marine anchor decor, smooth back. This large volume contains the three parts of Danrit's work. 1 In Bizerte, 2 In a submarine, 3 In England. Illustrations by Léon Couturier. His real name Driant, after a military career, he was deputy for Nancy, which did not prevent him from returning to service during the First World War. He died in Verdun. He was General Boulanger's son-in-law. Novel where Danrit shows that he is of his time and that he has read Jules Verne.