"Beautiful Parisian Servant In Louis XV Style With Bronzes, Inlays And Marble Top 1800"
Superb French sideboard from the mid-1800s in the typically Parisian Louis XV style, in richly inlaid wood. It has a white marble top, bronze applications depicting griffins and a richly inlaid central medallion on a walnut ground surrounded by a bronze border. Origin: France Period: mid 1800s Style: Louis XV Dimensions: 106x46x114h cm Code: 15590 Visit our website www.centromercatoantiquariato.it +39 3469410359 Email: customer@centromercatoantiquariato.it Product link: https://www. centromercatoantiquariato.it/it/mobili-antichi-ed-antiquariato/2570-bellissimo-servante-parigino-stile-luigi-xv-con-bronzi-intarsi-e-piano-in-marmo.html Buy safely in our shop with PayPal