"Jean Lombard - Hst"
Jean Lombard is a French painter, born March 8, 1895 in Dijon and died October 26, 1983 in Paris. He attended the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Lyon before continuing his training at that of Paris. He took part for the first time in the Salon d'Automne in 1925, to which he remained faithful. He was part of a group that included Othon Friesz, Asselin and Lehmann. He directed the Atelier du Vert-Bois from 1938 to 1957. After the war he took part in numerous Salons in Paris, Tokyo, Krakow and Brussels. After his death, in 1990, the Galerie de Causans in Paris organized a major retrospective exhibition of all of his work, then a second in 1992. Jean Lombard went through several periods with various influences, Cézanne from whom he would not depart, Matisse , Bonnard who both endeavored in different ways to translate light into form through color, a search that will drive all of his work. Until 1950, it was the era of large still lifes, in which, in symbiosis with Pignon, Bazaine, Manessier and the French painters of this generation, he tended to reconcile a structured drawing from Cubism and the color of Fauvism. . The arrangement of his still lifes related them to Braque. After the war, his regular stays in the region of Aix, the pines, the landscapes of pine forests became one of the definitive constants of his canvases. Thanks to the neighbourhood, the memory and influence of Cézanne were once again evident there. After 1950, he moved away from the representation of objects and still life or from model. It was a very colorful and very constructed period, the original elements of its sensation, of its visual emotion, being first dissociated, then recomposed into a puzzle, according to a purely pictorial logic. In his period, which he described as baroque, from 1960 to 1970, Lombard returned to a more openly avowed figuration, still on the theme of trees, more or less fragmented, often tempted by the Cezanian problematic of naked bodies mixed with vegetation, to nature in a flexible and curved writing. At the end of his life, a period of painting with peaceful rhythms began, he adopted a very light pigment technique, colors barely applied, washed, wiped, which suited the effects of aerial transparencies, allowing him once again , as throughout his life and his reflection as a painter, to question and transcribe through color the action and the multiple play of light on things, on the diaphanous, evanescent landscape, or more precisely as regards the final period, to question the light itself and for it alone. Museums: Musée d4art Moderne de Paris, Amsterdam, Le Cateau, Dijon, Lyon... Our oil on canvas is titled on the back "Marseille, the careening basin" and indeed represents several boats and boats anchored there . Above the quays, to the left and behind the 2 bell towers of the Abbey of Saint Victor, you can very clearly recognize the Cathedral of Notre Dame de la Garde. It is signed and dated 1945 lower right. Canvas in very good condition. Dimensions: 50.3 x 65.3 cm without frame (60.3 x 75.3 cm with frame) Sources: Jacques Busse - Bénézit