"Austrian Louis XVI Style Rolling Desk Early 1800 In Heather"
Austrian rolling desk from the early 1800s, Louis XVI style, in mahogany and elm burl. It has a beautiful geometric inlay on the front, wire inlay on the scroll and drawers, bronze air vents and inside a leather top with drawers. Origin: Austria Period: early 1800s Style: Louis XVI Dimensions: 113x59x118h cm desk h 73cm Code:15431 Visit our website www.centromercatoantiquariato.it +39 3469410359 Email: customer@centromercatoantiquariato.it product link:https:/ /www.centromercatoantiquariato.it/it/mobili-antichi-ed-antiquariato/2344-scrittoio-a-rullo-luigi-xvi-austriaco.html Buy safely in our shop with PayPal