Première édition.
Belle impression bien contrastée.
Très bon état.
Format feuille: 54 x 40 cm.
Format gravure: 48,5 x 36 cm.
Rare carte française de la fin du 16èmesiècle. Texte ornemental sur la ville de Limoges par Joachim Blanchon, plan miniature avec renvois lettrés de A à Z situant les principaux lieux de la ville.
Explication en latin par Fayanus dans le cartouche inférieur droit.
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Maurice Bouguereau(15? – 1596) était un imprimeur et libraire français.Le Theatre Françoys, premier atlas de France, naquit de l’association, entre 1590 et 1594, de Bouguereau et du graveur Gabriel Tavernier. Ce dernier, originaire d’Anvers et réfugié en France, apportait ses capacités techniques – encore inégalées en France -, tandis que Bouguereau endossait le risque commercial de l’entreprise et réunissait les cartes manuscrites qui devaient composer le recueil. Il fut stimulé et aidé pour cela par la présence à Tours du roi, de la Cour et du Parlement.
Bouguereau voulut même que son atlas fût le symbole de l’unité nationale et l’image d’un royaume dans lequel toutes les provinces seraient dévouées à leur souverain. Il ne put cependant pas réunir autant de cartes qu’il l’aurait souhaité, il fit ainsi copier par Tavernier huit cartes qui figuraient déjà dans leTheatrum orbis terrarumd’Abraham Ortelius et quatre tirées desGalliae tabulae geographicaede G. Mercator. 3 autres cartes avaient déjà connu une version française: LaFrancede Postel, leMaineet laBretagne; et donc seulement 3 pièces étaient imprimées pour la première fois: leBlaisois, laTouraine, et leLimousin.
Les cuivres de Bouguereau, rachetés par Jean Leclerc, furent encore retirés pendant de nombreuses années, et constituent une étape très marquante de l’histoire de la cartographie française et de sa diffusion.
Original proof engraved in 1594. Bougereau Maurice cartographer. First edition. Nice high contrast print. Very good state. Sheet size: 54 x 40 cm. Engraving format: 48.5 x 36 cm. Rare French card from the end of the 16th century. Ornamental text on the city of Limoges by Joachim Blanchon, miniature plan with lettered references from A to Z locating the main places of the city. Explanation in Latin by Fayanus in the lower right cartouche. You can consult all the maps, books and engravings available in your region by clicking on the link of our website specializing in ancient geographical archives: -anciens-original-antique-maps/france/auvergne-limousin/ Secure payment by credit card on our website by clicking on the link below: -anciens-original-antique-maps/france/auvergne-limousin/carte-geographique-ancienne-du-limousin-4/ All our maps and engravings are accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Maurice Bouguereau (15? – 1596) was a French printer and bookseller. The Theater Françoys, the first atlas of France, was born from the association, between 1590 and 1594, of Bouguereau and the engraver Gabriel Tavernier. The latter, originally from Antwerp and a refugee in France, brought his technical skills – still unequaled in France -, while Bouguereau took on the commercial risk of the company and brought together the handwritten maps that were to make up the collection. He was stimulated and helped for this by the presence in Tours of the king, the Court and the Parliament. Bouguereau even wanted his atlas to be the symbol of national unity and the image of a kingdom in which all the provinces would be devoted to their sovereign. However, he was unable to collect as many maps as he would have liked, so he had Tavernier copy eight maps which already appeared in the Theatrum orbis terrarum by Abraham Ortelius and four taken from the Galliae tabulae geographicae by G. Mercator. 3 other maps had already had a French version: La France de Postel, Maine and Bretagne; and therefore only 3 coins were printed for the first time: Blaisois, Touraine, and Limousin. Bouguereau's copperplates, bought by Jean Leclerc, were still withdrawn for many years, and constitute a very significant stage in the history of French cartography and its dissemination.