"Zbigniew Wozniak (polish, B.1952) Title: Surrealist Painting I"
The surrealist-symbolic painting is one of two works (for another, see the previous article) by the Polish painter Zbigniew Wozniak (born in 1952 in Wroclaw). He is a renowned painter and graphic designer, graduated from the Higher School of Fine Arts (now Academy of Fine Arts) in Wroc³aw, Faculty of Design of Glass and Ceramics. He is one of Poland's most popular cartoonists and satirical cartoonists. He made his debut in 1976 in the bi-weekly carousel magazine "Carousel". It also cooperates with other domestic magazines, such as “Polityka”, “¯ycie Literackie” and “Szpilki”, as well as abroad: “Liberation”, “Lire”, “Pardon”. Winner of the "Golden Pin ´86". He deals with painting, graphics and the design of artistic glass. He had about forty individual exhibitions in Poland and abroad - in Japan, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Canada, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Turkey, Germany, Great Britain and in Belgium. Winner of more than twenty competitions, including the monthly "Szpilki" in 1979 and 1987 (Z³ota Szpilka). Works in museums and private collections in Poland and around the world. In his work he refers to surrealism, symbolic representative, full of metaphors and satirical references of worldviews.
His works illustrated under the following link:
http://www.muzeumkarykatury.pl/joomla/index.php?option =com_content&view=article&id=936&Itemid=489
Literature: biography and pictures in Polish online: https://tylkosztuka.pl/artysta/zbigniew-wozniak. / http://news.o.pl/2015/07/15/zbigniew-wozniak-malarstwo-bwa-przemysl/#/
Inscription: signed lower right, reverse signed and titled in Polish
Technique: oil on plate fever. matted and framed in gallery frame. with .
Dimensions: unframed 37.5 x 27 cm, framed 58 x 51 cm.
Condition: in very good condition.