"Charles X Style Console In Mahogany Wood And Mahogany Feather From The 1800s"
Rare mahogany and mahogany feather console, which opens like a book and turns into a game table with a scalloped flower top. Original passe-partout in green and decorated canvas. Legs richly carved with acanthus leaf motifs. Shelf below which rests on four claw feet. Metal wheels. Origin: France Period: mid 1800s Style: Louis-Philippe Dimensions: 90x45 (90) openx81H cm Code: 14839 Visit our website www.centromercatoantiquariato.it +39 3469410359 Email: customer@centromercatoantiquariato.it Product link: https ://www.centromercatoantiquariato.it/it/home/766-consolle-tavolino-da-gioco.html Buy safely in our shop with PayPal