"Portrait Of Louis IV Henri De Bourdon-condé And Marie-anne De Bourbon-conti. (late 17th Century)"
Portrait of Louis IV Henri de Bourdon-Condé and Marie-Anne de Bourbon-Conti. Pair of oval portraits on canvas framed in period giltwood frames decorated with oak leaves and acorns. (34cm x 29cm) Sold with a certificate of authenticity Louis-Henri, Duke of Bourbon, Prince of Condé, born in 1692, died in 1740, was appointed head of the regency council during the minority of Louis XV and became prime minister in the death of the Duke of Orleans (1723) (The House of Bourbon). Too fond of pleasures, he took little care of business, abandoned the government to his mistress, the Marquise de Prie, and to the financier Pâris-Duverney, and made himself odious by the creation of vexatious taxes. Cardinal Fleury, Louis XV's tutor, taking advantage of the general discontent, had him removed from the ministry and had him exiled by the young king to Chantilly in 1726. He was known by the name of Monsieur le Duc. He was the father of Louis Joseph de Bourbon, better known as Prince de Condé. Marie-Anne de Bourbon-Conti, daughter of Grand Conti and Marie-Thérèse de Bourbon-Condé, married at the age of 24 on July 9, 1713 her cousin Louis IV Henri de Bourbon-Condé who was 19. However, the couple n had no children from this marriage.