"Pb V : "collioure""
PB V, French school circa 1950: “Collioure”, oil on canvas 46 X 61 cm, mounted in an oak stick 47 X 63 cm. This view of the Port of Collioure is for once treated under a cloudy sky! When we acquired these eight paintings, we were sure that with such a marked expressionist style, accompanied by a label locating them in Nice for one and on the largest of a monogram that I translated "PB", but which could just as well be AB” or “RB” or any other, we were convinced that we would quickly find the author… Alas! After a few unsuccessful attempts, they allowed themselves to be buried for about fifteen years under many strata of new acquisitions until their recent exhumation! Do not hesitate to ask us by email or telephone for additional information or photos. In partnership with Galerie Lafouresse, we specialize in paintings on the Basque Country, the Landes and the Bassin d'Arcachon. Other photos and many other objects in our shops in Pau and Biarritz and on our website: galerielhoste.com.