"Regency Commode, 18th Century."
This elegant Regency period chest of drawers is in kingwood veneer, it is topped with royal red marble edged with a corbin's beak molding. It opens on the front with four drawers in three rows, separated by dark brass grooved crosspieces. Its handles, its keyholes as well as its falls are in gilded varnished bronze. Its front and sides are pleasantly curved, the drawer interiors are in walnut and its core is in fir. Characteristic of the Regency, this sort of chest of drawers adorned with falls with the bust of a woman, known as espagnolettes, could be attributed to the famous cabinetmaker Etienne Doirat, however some equally prestigious craftsmen produced equivalent furniture, among these we can cite Criaerd or Mondon. In good condition, this piece of furniture has undergone very few restorations, it has just been re-varnished and its bronzes are original, their golden varnish, also original, is worn. Length 127 cm, depth 66 cm, height 83 cm.