"[cabet] - [adams (francis)] - Voyage And Adventures Of Lord William Carisdall In Icaria. 1840."
[CABET] - [ADAMS (Francis)] - Voyage and Adventures of Lord William Carisdall in Icaria translated from the English of Francis Adams by Th. Dufruit master of languages. Paris, Hippolyte Souverain Publisher, 1840; in-8, 402 + 510 pp., contemporary half-brown calfskin bindings, smooth ornate spines, painted edges. The 2 volumes. Etienne Cabet born in Dijon in 1788 and died in 1856 in Saint Louis (Missouri), French political thinker, was the first to advocate a form of Christian communist which Marx and Engels would oppose, attached to scientific socialism. For Cabet the bad organization of society is entirely due to inequality. Cabet dreams of a society where men would be the disciples and followers of the first Christians and of Jesus Christ, since they had renounced individual property. The Journey to Icaria is a plan to found an ideal city according to the precepts of communist utopia.