Nuagé blue and ocher on an opalescent white background
Signature on the wheel on the belly "Muller Fres Lunéville"
First third of the 20th century Ht. 29cm
- 460 € -
MULLER Frères (1897-1936)Ten in number, the Muller brothers were trained at the crystal works of Saint Louis lès Bitche, then some of them worked for several years at Gallé in Nancy from 1894 to 1897. 1897, they settle in Croismare, near Lunéville, and start glass production very similar to that of Emile Gallé or the Daum Brothers. Even if one can consider that the Muller Brothers possessed “the third glass factory of the School of Nancy”, they were not members of this one. However, they knew how to take advantage of the city's intense artistic activity and the spectacular enthusiasm for the decorative arts at the beginning of the 20th century, by favoring the naturalist repertoire so dear to Nancy's Art Nouveau.