Styles Periods Categories

Antique Clothing

Antique Clothing

Before 16th Century

3 objects

Coptic Fabric - 4th To 5th Centuries - Fragment Of Tunic - Egypt

Braid from the bottom of a tunic sleeve, strips decorated with vases containing stylized plants. Ecru background with shades of blue-green Wool and linen Egypt, Coptic art 4th / 5th century strip[...]

Period: Before 16th century

600 €

Coptic Fabrics 6th Century

Large fragment of Coptic embroidery dating from the 6th century, reassembled on a weaving, it is in good condition. Formerly embroidered on tunics and linen clothing in Christian Egypt. Delivery possi[...]

Period: Before 16th century

480 €

Tissu Copte Égypte

Exceptionnelle bande décorative de vêtements d'origine Copte probablement des nécropoles d'Antinoé de Dier Al dyk ou de Drankam en moyenne Égypte . Les plus anciens remontent jusqu'au II eme de notre [...]

Period: Before 16th century

1 500 €

3 objects
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