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Bronze Animal Sculptures

Bronze Animal Sculptures

Renaissance, Louis 13th

16th Century

4 objects

16th Century Pair Of Gilt Lion Figures From Germany Nuremberg

A stunning pair of 16th century stylophore lions,  cast and gilt bronze figurative sculptures from Germany, Nuremberg. The Stylophore Lions were figurative sculpture used in the Renaissance era to [...]

Period: 16th century

5 000 €

Pair Of Cabinet Lions In Gilt Bronze - Venice, Late 16th Century

This pair of gilded bronzes represents two roaring lions ready to pounce, mouths open, tongues out. The extraordinary dynamism of the two felines owes much to the ornamental treatment of their rumps, [...]

Period: 16th century

5 200 €

Pair Of Lions, 16th Century.

Lions, 16th century. Pair of Brass Lions. Flanders, 16th century. Height: 12 cm, Width: 14 cm.

Period: 16th century

1 850 €

Renaissance Bronze Lion , Brut Of Casting, 16th Or 17th,

From the reserves of an antiquary of Provence disappeared, this lion attacking a dog, or a wolf,  model approaching the lions of Jean de Boulogne is sand cast bronze, raw condition of cast, unfinished[...]

Period: 16th century

2 400 €

4 objects
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