Styles Periods Categories



Louis Philippe, Charles 10th

Hand Candlestick In Polished Cast Bronze Mid-19th French

A hand candle holder... In polished cast bronze... In 3 parts (base the body and the bobeche)... From the mid-19th century... FRENCH provenance... In good general condition except for a small cra[...]

Period: 19th century

580 €

Pair Of Candlesticks In Gilt Bronze Restoration Period 19th

Pair of gilded bronze candlesticks from the Restoration Period, early 19th century. The baluster-shaped shaft surrounded by a ring chiseled with crosspieces is decorated with acanthus leaves in the lo[...]

Period: 19th century

480 €

19th Century Yew Wood Travel Candlesticks

As men have never stopped moving, the necessities carried were related to the purpose of the trip, the place, the time and the crew; Bringing your lighting was essential but the weight and space were [...]

Period: 19th century

200 €

Pair Of Lizard Tripod Candlesticks

Pair of tripod candlesticks with fluted shaft decorated with a lizard. Height: 29.5 cm

Period: 19th century

280 €

Beautiful Pair Of Bronze Candlesticks

Beautiful pair of finely chiseled bronze candlesticks from the 19th century Height 25 cm Diameter of the base 11 cm Good condition! Purchase directly on the site with Paypal or by transfer secure deli[...]

Period: 19th century

200 €

Chinese Candlestick In Bronze Mounted As A Lamp

Rare Chinese candlestick in patinated bronze and gilded bronze Restoration Period Mounted as a lamp, electrification redone, no drilling in the bronze for electricity, sold without the lampshade Fr[...]

Period: 19th century

1 850 €

Pair Of Restoration Candlesticks In Gilded And Patinated Bronze

Large pair of Restoration candlesticks in gilded and patinated bronze. The golden bobèche and the patinated binet rest on a golden collar continuing with a patinated shaft with fine flutes fixed on a[...]

Period: 19th century

1 250 €

Paire De Flambeaux En Bronze Doré époque Restauration

Grande paire de flambeaux  en bronze  ciselé et doré, époque restauration vers 1820 Modèle  dit à  la corbeille( de fruits et de fleurs). Décor de frise de feuilles d'eau,  de cornes d'abondance à l[...]

Period: 19th century

1 500 €

Pair Of Restoration Period Tripod Candlesticks

Pair of small patinated bronze candlesticks resting on a base with three lion paws decorated with palmettes and acanthus leaves. Tripod base hemmed with heart stripes. The flared barrel is finely chis[...]

Period: 19th century

780 €

Pair Of Candlesticks - Model Of King Louis-philippe

Pair of candlesticks in chiseled and gilded bronze in Louis XV style. Slightly twisted curved shaft with 3 sides and scalloped base with alternating butterflies, bees, acanthus, shells. Beautiful qu[...]

Period: 19th century

750 €

Large Pair Of Candlesticks In Gilt Bronze From The Restoration Period From The 19th Century

Pair of gilded bronze candlesticks from the Restoration period with palmette decorations and a fluted shaft. Beautiful size 31 cm high and 15 cm in plate diameter. Other pairs of candlesticks are visi[...]

Period: 19th century

750 €

Pair Of Double Patina Bronze Candlesticks From 19th Century Restoration Period

Pair of bronze candlesticks with 2 patinas (mercury gilding and brown patina) Decor with palmettes and acanthus leaves. The 3-sided, chamfered brown patina barrel is particularly elegant. Restoration [...]

Period: 19th century

750 €

Charles X Period Hand Candle Holder

Elégant bougeoir à main en bronze doré à prise à décor de dauphin époque Charles X Etat : Nombreux accidents au tour (voir photos) Il a été restauré avec des petites plaques de laiton rivetées, t[...]

Period: 19th century

65 €

Hand Candle Holder Gilt Bronze & Turquoise Indian Loincloth Restoration Period 1820 Inkwell 19th

Old & authentic hand candle holder forming an inkwell. Very beautiful decoration of an Indian dressed in a loincloth, probably Young Friday appearing in "Robinson Crusoe" Gilded bronze decorated wit[...]

Period: 19th century

1 300 €

Pair Of Restoration Period Candlesticks With Brown And Gilded Patina.

Very beautiful pair of two-patina bronze candlesticks from the "Restoration period" (the bobeches are not original). Tripod base with lion paw feet surmounted by a finely chiseled two-patina stem. Lov[...]

Period: 19th century

650 €

Pair Of Candlesticks In Gilt Bronze. 19th Century

Pair of gilded bronze candlesticks from the 19th century, very sober but very nicely worked in harmony. Very good condition, no scratches, no old traces of wax. height 30.5 cm just a tiny bit of edge [...]

Period: 19th century

150 €

Pair Of 19th Century Bronze Torches

Pair of bronze torches with two patinas from the early 19th century with their original bobeches. beautiful bronze green patina and burnished gilding. weight: 1,550 kg and 1,500 kg Sending by colissim[...]

Period: 19th century

930 €

églomisé Glass Candle Holders

Pair of Charles X candlesticks in églomisé glass

Period: 19th century

520 €

Pair Of 19th Century Brass Candlesticks

Elegant pairs of small brass candlesticks with a bell-shaped guilloche pattern

Period: 19th century

680 €

Pair Of Chiseled Bronze Candlesticks, 19th Century Restoration Period

Pair of chiseled bronze candlesticks from the Restoration period. Many candlesticks are available in our Atelier 21 gallery. For any information, do not hesitate to contact us.

Period: 19th century

180 €

Elegant Pair Of Bronze Patinated And Ormolu Candlesticks

An elegant and refined set of Charles X candlesticks in fire-gilded and patinated bronze. Made in France, around 1830

Period: 19th century

850 €

Pair Bronze Torches / Candlesticks.

Pair of candlesticks or torches from the early 19th century, Empire style and restoration period. Mercury-gilded bronze, matte and shiny gold. Green patina tending to brown. Tripod model, with claw fe[...]

Period: 19th century

1 200 €

Pair Of XIX Torches

Pair of bronze candlesticks from the Restoration period (1830-1840) The shaft decorated with grooves and decorated at its base and in its upper part with flowers. Probably Swedish model, rare on the m[...]

Period: 19th century

750 €

Pair Of Restoration Period Candlesticks, Circa 1830.

Pair of candlesticks in regula and copper, column shaft, mounted as a lamp. Restoration period around 1830. Electricity redone. Perfect working condition. In pair and very decorative. Height: 37 cm Wi[...]

Period: 19th century

600 €

Pair Of Large Candlesticks In Chiseled Bronze Louis Philippe XIX

Large pair of very nicely chiseled bronze candlesticks decorated with bunches of grapes. Will make a more beautiful effect for your Christmas table. For any information, do not hesitate to contact[...]

Period: 19th century

180 €

French Restoration Period Pair Of Candlesticks Converted As Lamps Gilt Bronze Basket Flowers

French Restoration period Pair of candlesticks converted as lamps with gilt bronze basket flowers circa 1820-1830 Collection MLD Antiquités: This interesting pair of candlesticks, mounted as lamps,[...]

Period: 19th century

3 800 €

Opaline Candlestick, Gold And Silver Decor. Restoration Period.

Candle holder in opalescent white opaline called “milky” opaline. The barrel of the candle holder tightens at the base. The base and the bobèche are decorated with floral motifs representing silver fo[...]

Period: 19th century

900 €

Large Candlesticks In Pair Restoration Period

Large pair of Restoration period candlesticks with original double brown and gold patinas. Lion claw base. Triangular base. Base diameter: 13cm

Period: 19th century

1 000 €

Pair Very Useful With Push

Oh, there was a period in their lives when they were very useful.... These heavy brass candlesticks, with sliding bins, were undoubtedly filled with a new candle every day. They were perhaps placed on[...]

Period: 19th century

180 €

Pair Of Bronze Candlesticks Chiseled With Flowers, Restoration Period, 19th Century

Pair of gilded bronze candlesticks. Very fine carving of the bronze with water leaf palmettes and a profusion of garlands of flowers, acanthus and heart stripes. Original gilding stained in places. Re[...]

Period: 19th century

980 €

Pair Of Large Walnut Candlesticks

Pair of large walnut candle sticks prepared to be mounted as a lamp, large candle available.

Period: 19th century

580 €

Pair Of Charles X Candlesticks In Chiseled Bronze

Pair candelabra CharlesX in guilted bronze. The binets are nicely chiseled with palmettes, original bobèches. They are nicely decorated with fruits and flowers. Note that one of the candlesticks [...]

Period: 19th century

600 €

Torchères Bacchus Bougeoirs XIX

Belle paire de torchères bronze XIX  double patine or et foncé. Les deux Bacchus ont cet air espiègle et entendu que seul un artiste aimant les bons vins vieux était capable de transmettre à l'époque[...]

Period: 19th century

2 300 €

Paire De Flambeaux Boin Taburet En Argent Massif Vermeil

Très belle paire de flambeaux Boin Taburet En Argent Massif Vermeil, époque XIX-eme. Hauteur: 25,5 cm. Poids: 1600 grammes.

Period: 19th century

4 900 €

Night Light Gilt Bronze And Blue Glass , Restoration Period.

A gilt bronze night light in the shape of a lantern carrying a blue glass container housing the candle as the light source in the 19th century. It is composed of a square base surmounted by a pilaster[...]

Period: 19th century

1 800 €

Pair Of Candlesticks In Silver Restoration Nineteenth Century

Paire de bougeoirs en argent massif complets de bobèches, à décor palme dexray, cannelures et fond guilloché, hauteur 26cm diamètre 10,5cm Poids 495g Argent 800 poinçons et poinçons du maître orfèvre [...]

Period: 19th century

1 100 €

Large 19th Century Silver-plated Candlestick

Large and beautiful candlestick in silver-plated copper from the Louis Philippe period. It was electrically mounted in a perfectly reversible way. I therefore propose it in these 2 configurations. I c[...]

Period: 19th century

120 €

Pair Of Bronze Candlesticks

Pair of bronze candlesticks decorated with acanthus leaf fruit flowers from the 19th century.

Period: 19th century

1 200 €

Pairs Of Bronze Candlesticks

Very beautiful pair of bronze candlesticks Lion claw feet, beautiful gilding Send to recommend and signature

Period: 19th century

850 €

Pair Of Candlesticks In Gilt And Chiseled Bronze

Pair of gilt and chiseled bronze candlesticks. Barrel in baluster. Rich decor with motifs of eucalyptus leaves, foliage, palm leaves, fruits and flowers, water leaves. Restoration Period Usual restora[...]

Period: 19th century

1 500 €

Candlestick In Gilt Bronze And Cloisonne Enamel. Nineteenth Century

candlestick in gilt bronze and cloisonné enamel. nineteenth century

Period: 19th century

325 €

Pair Of Candlesticks Restoration In Gilt Bronze

Pair of gilt bronze candlesticks, early 19th century. Circular base decorated with rais de coeur, windings and Greek frieze. The fluted barrel is decorated with foliage in the lower part and palmettes[...]

Period: 19th century

750 €

Paire De Bougeoirs En Bronze à Deux Patines

Paire de bougeoirs en bronze à patine verte et dorée d'époque XIX° . Patine en très bel état .

Period: 19th century

720 €

Pair Of Gilt And Chiseled Bronze Candlesticks

Pair of gilt and chiseled bronze candlesticks. Barrel in baluster. Rich decor with motifs of eucalyptus leaves, foliage, palm leaves, fruits and flowers, water leaves. Restoration Period Usual restora[...]

Period: 19th century

1 500 €

Grands flambeaux ou bougeoirs - Double patine et décor feuillagé - époque Charles X

Visible in Paris. Free delivery in the capital and its suburbs. 20€ postage for France. Large torches with double patina and foliage decoration  Cast bronze, chased, gilded or varnished 11 elemen[...]

Period: 19th century

480 €

Guillaume Deniere - Hand Candlestick In Gilt Bronze-

Guillaume Deniere (1815-1901) is a bronzier to whom we owe, among other things, the carriage for the coronation of Charles X. This is a small hand candlestick in gilded bronze decorated with rolled fo[...]

Period: 19th century

450 €

Pair Of 19 E Bronze Candlesticks With Chimera Heads

Pretty pair of 19th century bronze candlesticks, tripod feet mounted on a base, finely chiseled, decor of chimeras, foliage, twists. Weight: 1.7 kg for the pair. Port 16 euros 5 (for a package worthy [...]

Period: 19th century

280 €

Pair Of XIXth Bronze Candlestick

Very nice little pair of 19th century candlesticks in bronze Height 17 cm Good condition! Stunning ! AP166

Period: 19th century

170 €

Pair Of Candlesticks Candlesticks In Bronze - XIXth Century

Pair of bronze candlesticks with guilloché decoration. Some traces of use without this affecting the aesthetics of each piece. Together in very good state of preservation. ▪︎ Buy the article on our[...]

Period: 19th century

220 €

Great Pair Of Candlesticks, Bronze, Claws & Acanthus Leaves, Early 19th Century

Interesting pair of candlesticks. On a round base, decorated on the outer border with acanthus leaves and on the inner border with a smaller garland of leaves, with the shaft in the centre. At its bas[...]

Period: 19th century

245 €

Pair Of Bronze Candlesticks - 19th Century

Pair of bronze candlesticks decorated with foliage and pearls. Together in very good state of preservation. ▪︎ Buy the article on our website ☞ ▪︎ Informations and additional ph[...]

Period: 19th century

240 €

Pair Of Candlesticks In Eglomised Glass

A beautiful pair of eglomised glass candle holder, good condition, slight difference between the two pieces, height 21 cm for one and 20.6 for the other ..... For further information 0778337598

Period: 19th century

110 €

Pair Of Small Dore Bronze Candlesticks Late Nineteenth Time

Pair of small table candlesticks in bronze and gilded brass decorated with Corinthian capitals on a square-shaped espalier leafy base, turned ivory shaft. These candlesticks have retained their origin[...]

Period: 19th century

1 450 €

Pair Of Candlesticks Restoration Period In Brass XIX

slight twists has a bobèche and a base, pretty model decorated with flowers: roses and daisies

Period: 19th century

190 €

Pair Of Bronze Candlesticks, Restoration Period - Early Nineteenth

Charming pair of candlesticks in gilt bronze and black patina, with foliage decoration and refined hock feet. The removable candle holder features falling leaves above floral and beaded friezes. Delic[...]

Period: 19th century

680 €

Pair Of Candlesticks In Vermeil, 19th Century.

Pair of candlesticks hallmarked with a vermeil neck brace, from the 19th century. The binet, the bobèche, the barrel as well as the base are decorated with a metal braiding pattern, a monogram is pre[...]

Period: 19th century

860 €

Pair Charles X Candlesticks In Gilt Bronze

Pair of beautiful candlesticks in very finely chiseled and gilded bronze decorated with quivers and palmettes Charles X period Very beautiful original gilding Free shipping in France and the EU

Period: 19th century

2 600 €

Ancien Paire De Bougeoirs En Bronze d'époque XIX ème Siècle Art Populaire : Boucher Et Bouchere

Ancienne paire de bougeoirs en bronze d'époque XIX ème siècle représentant le boucher et la bouchère. Belle ciselure et décor original La patine n'est pas parfaite mais leur confère un vrai charme [...]

Period: 19th century

250 €

Rare Set Of Four Purple Crystal Candlesticks, Russia Or Northern Europe, 19th Century

Rare series of four baluster-shaped candlesticks, in molded and cut crystal, purple in color. Probably two pairs together. Good condition, minor scratches. Russia or Northern Europe, 19th century. [...]

Period: 19th century

4 500 €

Rare Pair Of Candlesticks In Blue Opaline And Chiseled Gilt Bronze XIXth Charles X Period.

Rare pair of candlesticks in blue opaline and chiseled gilded bronze. Opaline cut in fine ribs. Mount of the base in chiseled gilded bronze decorated with water leaves, garlands of leaves and flowers,[...]

Period: 19th century

3 800 €

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