Styles Periods Categories

Circus And Carnival Arts

Circus and Carnival Arts

Art Nouveau

20th Century

7 objects

Carousel Horse

Carousel horse Art Nouveau period after Friedrich Heyn around 1900 large luxury model. Carved wood with partly reworked polychromy. Very numerous sculptures Very beautiful rare horse in this configura[...]

Period: 20th century

4 800 €

Miniature Wire Ferris Wheel - Popular Art Early 20th Century

Ferris wheel made of wire on a wooden base. Popular art or crafts from the beginning of the 20th century. Dimensions: height 59 cm - diameter 51 cm. Good state of conservation.

Period: 20th century

300 €

Inkwell Child Drummer Saltimbanque Circus

Charming porcelain inkwell, souvenir of a city or seaside that we found in stalls or counters of seaside resorts, period around 1900. Child acrobat, a drum on his back, a cymbal in his hand. Dimension[...]

Period: 20th century

110 €

Rocking Horse, Circa 1900, England

Painted apple grey wooden rocking horse, original mane, sulphide eyes, original tacks, "Rambler Liverpool" label. Liverpool, England late 19th century.

Period: 20th century

1 000 €

Cochon De Manège 1900

Beau cochon de manège sur support en fonte , il est tout début 20 eme avec ses yeux en verre sa langue et ses oreilles parfaitement sculptées dans le style de Gustave Bayol mais pas signé.  Son polyc[...]

Period: 20th century

1 900 €

Jo Francoeur -: Oil On Canvas - "before The Circus Show" Circa 1900

Pretty oil painting on canvas signed Jo Francoeur around 1900, representing the wait before the circus show. signed lower right, beautiful gilt stucco frame, in good condition. total dimensions: H 50 [...]

Period: 20th century

1 280 €

Cheval de manège en bois sculpté et laqué blanc, XXe

Cheval de manège Bois sculpté et laqué blanc XXe Vers 1900 Beau cheval de manège en bois sculpté et laqué blanc début XIXe. A nettoyer et à repeindre.  

Period: 20th century

2 100 €

7 objects
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