Styles Periods Categories

Collector's Items, Collectibles

Collector's Items, Collectibles

Other Style

21st Century

4 objects

White-tailed Deer Head

White-tailed deer head.

Period: 21st century

580 €

Good Year

We wish you, dear customers and colleagues, an excellent year 2025. Thank you for your trust.

Period: 21st century

2 025 €

A Porcelain Dinner Set Decorated With Snow White And 7 Dwarfs

A set of porcelain dinnerware decorated with Snow White and the 7 dwarves. Materials: Porcelain. Dimensions: coffee pot - 13 cm height x 12cm width, sugar bowl - 8cm height x 8 cm width, cup - 4cm hei[...]

Period: 21st century

90 €

Merry Christmas

????A Merry Christmas to our dear customers, friends, colleagues and competitors, may Santa be generous with you???? Saint Nicholas Antiques

Period: 21st century

2 024 €

4 objects
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