Styles Periods Categories

Decorative Objects

Decorative Objects

English Style

18 objects

Indian Scene Marquetry Panel

Marquetry panel depicting an Indian scene with a poem in English. Dimensions: Height: 28cm Width: 19cm Thickness: 2cm

Period: 20th century

120 €

Limoges Enamel Painting Faure Young Gallant After Nicholas Hilliard Homoerotic

An oval Faure Limoges Enamel panel depicting a young gallant after the painting by Nicholas Hilliard held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Please see the last photo. CLICK HERE for the [...]

Period: 20th century

385 €

Mahogany “cloud Tree” Display With Six Trays

Fun display suggesting a Japanese-style “cloud tree”. In mahogany of English origin from the first half of the 20th century, it will serve as a shelf to present your small precious objects in a comple[...]

Period: 20th century

150 €

Grandeur Nature...

"Belle de Staffordshire", Cavalier King Charles assis en céramique polychrome et oxyde de cuivre. Stafforshire, XIXème siècle. Haut. : 39 cm. (grandeur nature). Marque au revers. (provenance : im[...]

Period: 19th century

690 €

Brass Plate Holder 19th Century Table Service

Plate support in fully polished and varnished brass from the 19th century in English style, also called a table service, allowing cakes to be placed on small plates for tea. You can put small plates w[...]

Period: 19th century

150 €

Dog Door Stoppers

Two beautiful doorstops decorated with dogs in brass, early 20th century. From England, very decorative for a hunting lodge or bourgeois home. Beautiful patina of time

Period: 20th century

300 €

Brass Bird Cage - 19th Century

lovely 19th century brass birdcage Beautiful small, very refined model with two brass eating containers which are very well sculpted  The uprights are twisted which is unusual and very elegant Beau[...]

Period: 19th century

700 €

Oil Painting On Glass Ep 20th Century

La peinture a' l'huile sur verre a e'te' reali see a' la main en utilisant la technique originale du 18e'me siecle en Angleterre

Period: 20th century

300 €

19th Century Victorian Painted Cast Iron Stick Stand

A very decorative 19th century painted cast iron stick stand or umbrella stand featuring a typical Irish folk figure holding his shillelagh. The bottom of the stand has a lift out drip tray with casti[...]

Period: 19th century

1 150 €

Very Large Birdcage, Anglo-indian Pavilion From The End Of The XIX Eme Century

Important red lacquered birdcage representing an Anglo-Indian architecture pavilion dating from the end of the XIX th beginning of the XX th century. very good general condition. a spectacular birdc[...]

Period: 19th century

700 €

Cans Of Shell Encrusted Ducks Anthony Redmile

Beautiful RARE Anthony Redmile shell encrusted with box-shaped ducks, 20th c. The pair.Size: 40X25X20 CM

Period: 20th century

2 550 €

XVIII E English Painted Panel

Rare wooden panel with attributes and garlands of painted flowers, and varnish. very beautiful and rare achievement probably coming from a piece of furniture. English work around 1780

Period: 18th century

380 €

19th Century Sulphide.

Stunning. 1.063 kg H. 29 cm. Base diameter 8.5 cm. 1.063 kg Do not hesitate to visit our site and its many offers:, to contact us, to make us an offer.

Period: 19th century

420 €

Magazine Rack And Wood And Mesh Brass, Circa 1950

Charming magazine rack on two levels, the upper level presenting several compartments to present the magazines some small lacks, good state of conservation, around 1950

Period: 20th century

420 €

Victorian Era Brass Bucket

Very decorative bucket in repoussé brass from the Victorian period. Renaissance-style decoration in bas relief representing foliage, windings and satyr's head on each side. Ovoid in shape and flared a[...]

Period: 19th century

230 €

Medallion Of Sir William Forbes Of Pitsligo 1739/1806

Medallion from the first part of the 19th century representing Sir Willian Forbes of Pitsligo (1739-1806). Scottish banker, philanthropist and writer. Plaster or limestone. Note: a clearly visible bre[...]

Period: 19th century

240 €

Petit Seau à Charbon, Angleterre , époque Victorienne

Seau à charbon en bois fruitier tourné et mouluré et laiton doré, de forme corbeille, accosté de mufles de lions à anneaux tombants. Piétement tripode à griffes. Angleterre, fin du XIXe siècle. Haut. [...]

Period: 19th century

240 €

Presentation Shelf For Collectibles XIXth

Very nice presentation shelf, It is a stepped shelf on which can be exposed for example netsuke or snuff boxes or all kinds of small decorative items, small furniture rare and quality, Mahogany and eb[...]

Period: 19th century

680 €

18 objects
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