"Helmholtz Resonator"
Very interesting series of 10 spheres of HELMHOLTZ in varnished brass. It is a scientific object used for acoustic experiments. "Any body capable of producing a given note vibrates as soon as the same note is produced at a certain distance by another instrument, it is the resonance, hollow spheres with a tubing charged with collecting sounds. The opposite of this tubulure is a small hollow appendix which is introduced into the ear.The smaller the resonators, the more the sound is acute.If we produce successively, in front of a series of resonators, different simple sounds, we see that at each experience, there is a resonator who reacts it is said that he speaks: it is the one who is in unison with the sound produced. The others remain silent "For more information call us at 06 08 92 54 55. We are constantly looking for different scientific instruments static electricity, acoustics, optics, dynamic electricity .... do not hesitate to propose us your objects. stephan.héliez@orange.fr