"Italian School Early XVIII, Moses And The Bronze Serpent."
Italian School, early 18th century "Moses and the Bronze Serpent" gilded wooden frame, dim period: 150x111cm Episode told in the Book of Numbers (21, 4-9). At that time, here the people began once again to murmur against God, against Moses: we are hungry, we are thirsty, we are tired of what God gives every day, we should not have left the 'Egypt… The daily routine, what. And there God can no longer bear. People groan all the time and never take into account what their Lord is doing for them. So God sends "burning snakes" that bite many of them. Classic blow then: the people panic, repent, will find Moses so that he does something and this one intercedes. God gives Moses an antidote: "Make yourself a burning serpent and put it on a pole; whoever is bitten and looks at it will stay alive" (Numbers 21, 8). This is God's way: "The serpent bites you? Look at the serpent". It's not about avoiding what kills or scares us; on the contrary, we will watch it, consider it, and it will be beneficial. The place that kills me is also the place that saves me.