Chambre d'Expertise



Chambre Européenne Des Experts D'Art
In 2001, some art experts aware of the growing importance and originality of their profession founded the European Chamber of Art Experts; in order to ensure the quality, the cohesion, the deontology of their activity, the reliability of the working methods. The House Experts proudly and with integrity commit their responsibilities independently in the expertise of works of art.

3, rue de la Bourse, 75002, Paris


Nos antiquaires membres du CEEA

Cabinet Boutemy

Jewelry and orfevrerie
Maison Boutemy - Fondée en 1935 Représentée aujourd'hui par Marc Boutemy. Membre de la Chambre Européenne des Experts d'Art. Agréé par le Conseil des Ventes Volontaires de meubles aux enchères publiques.[...]

Galerie Franck Accart

Paintings, drawings, objects of curiosity and archaeology
Since 1999, the gallery Franck Accart offers paintings and drawings from all periods. Some curiosities complete our selection. Member of the EAEC (European chamber of art experts), Franck Accart offers only works approved by specialists responsible for catalogs reasoned artists.[...]
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