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Objets D'Art

Objets d'Art

Napoleon 3rd

20th Century

5 objects

Pair Of Urn Vases In Marine Alabaster.rome,early 20th Century.

Pair of urn vases in marine alabaster and bases in antique green marble. Made in Rome at the beginning of the 20th century.

Period: 20th century

3 200 €

Pair Of Decorative Ovals

Pair of decorative ovals depicting Roman emperors with bas-reliefs in plaster with a faux marble finish - 48 cm X 38 X 4.5 CM.

Period: 20th century

620 €

Bronze Mounted Shell With Dolphin For Empty Pocket Use

Lovely shell mounted on a bronze depicting a dolphin, black marble base, for use as an empty pocket or box in the spirit of Cabinets of Curiosities, circa 1900

Period: 20th century

460 €

The Arts, Ewer And Its Basin By Jules Brateau

Superb ewer and its pewter basin signed Jules Brateau (1844-1923), allegory of the Arts. Jules Brateau, sculptor, jeweler, pewter potter was the initiator of the revival of pewter work at the end of t[...]

Period: 20th century

1 200 €

Rare Sculpture En Argent Massif Signée Par Luigi Avolio à Naples Représentant Un Satyre

Rare sculpture en argent massif (800/1000) signée et poinçonnée par le sculpteur et orfèvre napolitain Luigi Avolio , représentant un jeune satyre soufflant dans sa trompe . Elle repose sur un socle [...]

Period: 20th century

1 500 €

5 objects
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