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Old Books

Old Books

Renaissance, Louis 13th

104 objects

[tabourot (étienne)] - The Fourth Of The Variegated Patterns Of The Lords Of Accords. Rouen, 1625.

[TABOUROT (Étienne)] - The fourth of the variegated pages of the lords of Accords. Rouen, Chez David Geuffroy, 1625; in-12, VI ppnch. + 50 pages, 19th century binding, half red morocco, spine decorate[...]

Period: 17th century

500 €

15th Century Illumination

Illuminated leaf on vellum from a 15th century book of hours. Mounted in an old glass coaster.

Period: Before 16th century

420 €

Poblacion & Gregorae - De Usu Astrolabi Compendium... Paris, Cavellat, 1554, Paperback.

POBLACION (Joanne Martino), GREGORAE (Nicephore) - De usu astrolabi compendium, schematibus commodissilmis illustratum, acmendis quamplurimis repurgatum. Followed by Gregorae Nicephori astrolabus, Geo[...]

Period: Before 16th century

300 €

Ovide - Cp, Ovidii Nassonis Poete Clarissimi In Ibim Opusculii. Around 1500, Modern Binding.

OVIDE - CP, ovidii nassonis poete clarissimi in ibim opusculii. Sl, se, around 1500; small 4to, 38 pp., modern binding with petrified wood covers from Scandinavia, text mounted on leather tabs, held b[...]

Period: Before 16th century

1 800 €

[montalvo (garci Rodriguez De)] - Treasure Of All The Books Of Amadis Of Gaul. Rigaud, 1605.

[MONTALVO (Garci Rodriguez de)] - Thrésor of all the books of Amadis de Gaule, containing the Harangues, Epistles, Concions, Missive Letters, Requests, Responses, Replies, Sentences, Cartels, Complain[...]

Period: 17th century

550 €

Guillaud (claude) - In Sacrosanctum Iesu Christi Euangelivm Secvndvm Ioannem. At Roigny 1550.

GUILLAUD (Claude) - In sacrosanctum Iesu Christi Euangelivm secvndvm Ioannem. Enarrationes, Ivxta Ervditorvm sentiam factæ, per sacræ theologiæ doctorem, Claudium Guilliaudum Belliiocensem. Paris, Che[...]

Period: 16th century

1 200 €

Girard Seigneur Du Haillan (bernard De) - On The Status And Success Of French Affairs. 1595.

GIRARD SEIGNEUR DU HAILLAN (Bernard de) - On the state and success of French affairs. Paris, Chez Pierre l'Huillier & Jamet Mettayer, 1595; in-12, epistle, preface, 349 pp., table, 18th century marble[...]

Period: 16th century

300 €

Rare Impression Of Bergerac From 1613, A Vol. Velin "pub. Ovidii Nasonis" Lib. Amatorii Hoc Est

Rare impression from the beginning of the 17th century of the Works of Ovide de Bergerac in a small volume in 12 Full pig's bladder, spine ribbed handwritten title: Pub. OVIDII NASONIS Luib. Amatoii. [...]

Period: 17th century

420 €

Très Rare Infolio Velin à Nerfs De 1630 Par François De Marolles De l'"Histoire Romaine" ,Paris

 En  Edition Originale : "Histoire Romaine" rare et exceptionnel livre de l'Auteur érudit M. De Marolles , Ecrivain Historien , Abbé de Ville-loin & de Baugerais , imprimé à Paris chez Toussainct du B[...]

Period: 17th century

950 €

In-folio From 1584: "the Lives Of Illustrious Greek And Roman Men" -plutarch/ Amiot

A rare book translated from the famous Jacques Amiot, one of the precursors of the "fixation of the French language" by grammatical rules in a period when one wrote according to one's convenience on p[...]

Period: 16th century

2 200 €

Rosières (françois De) - Stemmatum Lotharingiae.... Guillaume Chaudière, 1580, Modern Binding

ROSIÈRES (François de) - Stemmatum lotharingiae ac barri ducum tomi septem. Ab antenore Trojanarum reliquiarum ad paludes Maeotidas Rege, ad haec usque illustrimi, potentissimi & serenissimi Caroli Te[...]

Period: Before 16th century

3 500 €

Strong Vol. In 4 Arms Of Law Of 1636: Works Of Charles Loiseau: Offices; Lordships &c.

Rare et Important livre de Droit du règne de Louis XIII dans une reliure aux Amoiries encadrées de maroquin rouge en peau de daim , dos à nerfs portant la Couronne : "Oeuvres de Charles Loyseau" Divis[...]

Period: 17th century

1 200 €

Wasserbourg (richard De) - First And Second Volume Of The Antiquities Of Belgian Gaul. 1549.

WASSERBOURG (Richard de) - First and second volume of the antiquities of Belgian Gaul, kingdom of France. Austasia & Lorraine. With the origin of the duchesses & counties, of ancient & modern Brabant,[...]

Period: 16th century

1 200 €

1588 Order Formality And Judicial Instruction Of Which The Ancient Greeks And Romans


Period: 16th century

350 €

1582 - Marco Da Lisboa - Croniche Degli Ordini Institute

"Chronicle of the Orders established by Padre San Fransesco" Chronicle of the ordini institutes of Padre San Francesco. (…) In Venetia MD LXXXII. Rare volume in-quarto format (15 x 20 cm), in Ital[...]

Period: 16th century

370 €

Rare Two Large Volumes In 8 From 1593: "history Of The Italian Wars" By François Guichardin

A rare 16th century copy in two large 8vo volumes, late 17th century sun bindings in blond glazed calf with gilt irons in the compartments, garnet morocco titles and volume numbers, triple fillets on [...]

Period: 16th century

3 200 €

Ritual Of The Carmelites. Processionary And Funeral. Music Noted On Many Pages

[Music] Ritual of the Carmelites, second part. Processionary and funeral. For the use of the religious men and women of the Barefoot Order of Our Most Holy Mother the Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, of t[...]

Period: 18th century

450 €

Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library

"An exceptional double provenance and a very rare subject; a rare large volume in 4 in richly decorated red morocco from the rich and precious Library of Levoyer d'Argenson, Minister of Foreign Affair[...]

Period: 17th century

4 800 €

[vignier] - The True Origin Of The Very Illustrious Houses Of Alsace And Lorraine. 1649.

[VIGNIER] - The True Origin of the Very Illustrious Houses of Alsace, Lorraine, Austria, Baden and a Quantity of Others with the Genealogical Tables of the Descents of the Said Houses, & of the Branch[...]

Period: 17th century

2 800 €

Dialogues Of Love/ 1551/ Leo The Hebrew / Judah Abravanel

The Dialogues of Love by Leo Hebrew are undoubtedly one of the major philosophical works of the European Renaissance. Leo, son of the theologian Isaac Abravanel, was born in Lisbon between 1460 and 14[...]

Period: 16th century

3 500 €

Silvestre (israel) - View Of The Landscape Of Tomblaine Near Nancy. At The Author's, Around 1650.

SILVESTRE (Israel) - View of the landscape of Tomblaine near Nancy. Nancy, Chez l'auteur, circa 1650; 110/210 mm, 1 pp., steel engraving with burin. Israël Silvestre, born in Nancy in 1621 and died in[...]

Period: 17th century

55 €

Rare 1602 Edition In A Strong Volume In 8 Of: "ivnii Jvvenalis Satyrae". Lutetiae Reliée Epo.

Beautiful and rare copy during the lifetime of Henry IV of Juvénal's satyrs: Lutétiae, Apud Claudivm Morellvm, via Iacobaea ad insigne Fontis; Mr. DCII. (1602). Present in its tinted calfskin binding,[...]

Period: 17th century

1 200 €

Rare Impression In A Spectacular Folio Vol In Embossed Leather Plantiniana Antverpiae 1617

Rare beautiful folio in its Renaissance binding with chased brass clasps, with remarkable covers richly decorated with cold-stamped frames and embossed with fine motifs in a spine binding with raised [...]

Period: 17th century

900 €

Beautiful 16th Century With The Number Of The "marquis Da Pozzo". Lyon 1563. Dionysii H. Antiquitatum (antiques)

Rare exemplaire dans sa reliure du 16ème siècle en latin des "Anrtiquités Romaines" , rédigé en Latin, de Denys d'Halycarnasse ; imprimé à Lyon par Antonin Vincent M. D VXIII (1563) ; un fort volume d[...]

Period: 16th century

950 €

Very Rare Small Incunable Circa 1500: Enchiridio (inoc) In Its Late 15th/16th Century Shine

Rare incunable printing for this charming little book in 16, circa 1500: contemporary cold-stamped binding with raised spines with green and gold Greeks at the bottom of the spine Paul Bigault's libra[...]

Period: 16th century

1 400 €

The Complete Works Of André Du Laurens, Physician To Henry Iv, 1621 Edition

It is the split heart, that I saved from destruction, this fascinating work, probably one of the first medical sums translated into French and therefore readable for all. This work, in folio, publishe[...]

Period: 17th century

130 €

Wood And Leather Binding Embossed " Est Mon.a.bartolo De Ripoli "

Wood and leather binding embossed " est mon.a.bartolo de ripoli "

Period: 16th century

370 €

Page From A Book Of Hours - Jean Pichore - 1509 - Well Framed - Golden Initials

Rare leaf of an illuminated hour book from the book "Heures a lusaige de Romme" by Jean Pichore. Borders on four sides with foliage populated with angels from the workshop of Jean Pichore, and the Fou[...]

Period: 16th century

490 €

Fort bel In Folio En Veau Blond Glacé d'époque:"histoire Du Monde De C. Pline Second." 1615

Rare et bel exemplaire de grande taille in folio en veau blond glacé du tout début du 17ème siècle (de la régence de Louis XIII) : " L'Histoire du Monde de C. Pline Second " ;  riche et précieuse reli[...]

Period: 17th century

2 400 €

A Missing Masterpiece, The Self-portrait Of Durer Which He Gave To Raphael, Reappears...

A missing masterpiece, the Self-Portrait of Durer which he gave to Raphael, mentioned and described by Vasari, reappears after 5 centuries of oblivion, lost from the former Collection of the Duke of B[...]

Period: Before 16th century

60 €

Rare Large Volume Early 16th Century In Its Beautiful Original "conciliorvm Omnivm Génér" Binding.

A crazy allure emerges from ancient times this folio of more than 1300 pages in its precious Renaissance binding "CONCILIORVM OMNIVM, TAM GENERALIUM" q particulariu, a temporibus Agapeti Papae vsque a[...]

Period: 16th century

1 200 €

Complet Infolio From 1637, In Paris, Roman History" By Fn Coeffecteau, Chez N. & J. Coste

Louis in golden fleurons gilded title, large ex-libris Aux Armes, two-tone title for this work by FN Coeffecteau: "Roman History containing all the most memorable things that happened from the beginni[...]

Period: 17th century

900 €

Writing, Instruction From Catherine De Médicis Queen Of France To Her Daughter Queen Of England

Exceptional 18th century document written in pen on laid paper with watermark: FIN D ANGOUMOIS 1771, RAISIN Transposition of: * Instruction from Queen Marie de Médicis Quelle gave Written by her han[...]

Period: 18th century

1 850 €

Joannes Petrus Camusio, Homiliae De Passione Dimini Nostri Jesu Christi, Kinchius Joannes, 1621

Very beautiful and rare old book, Joannes Petrus Camusius, Homiliae de Passione Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Coloniae Agrip, Kinchius Joannes, 1621, In used condition, very beautiful and rare cover, on[...]

Period: 17th century

650 €

“painting Of The Temple Of The Muses” Original Edition 1655

First edition from 1655 of this work by Michel de Marolles (1600-1681): Table of the temple of the Muses, taken from the cabinet of the late Mr Favereau, published by Antoine de Sommeville, Paris 1655[...]

Period: 17th century

4 500 €

Adagiorum D. Erasmi Roterodami Epitome, Amstelodami, XVII°.

Old book, Adagiorum D. ERASMI Roterodami Epitome, Amstelodami, Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, year 1650, As is, See photos. Weight: 333 g. Dimensions: Height: 14 cm, Width: 8 cm, Thickness: 4 cm.

Period: 17th century

150 €

Abraham Fabert's Remarks On The General Customs Of The Duchy Of Lorraine. Metz, 1657.

FABERT (Abraham) - The remarks of Abraham Fabert, Knight, Sieur de Moulins and Master Alderman of Metz, on the general customs of the Duchy of Lorraine, the bailiwicks of Nancy, Vosges and Germany. Me[...]

Period: 17th century

800 €

Very Rare Book Speech Of The First Troubles That Happened In Lyon Saconay 1569 Ex-libris Brolemann.

SACONAY (Gabriel de). Speech On the First Troubles That Occurred in Lyon, with the apology for the city of Lyon, against the falsely titled libelle, the just and Holy Defense of the city of Lyon. LYON[...]

Period: 16th century

850 €

In-folio En Parchemin. Livre Cantoral Ou Choral. Siècle XVI

In-folio en parchemin. Livre cantoral ou choral, avec lettres majuscules miniaturisées. Siècle XVI Portée rouge et notation carrée.

Period: 16th century

450 €

Callot (jacques) - Title Page Of Misery Of War. Framed, 1636.

CALLOT (Jacques) - Title page of Misery of War. Paris, se, 1636; 55/110 mm, 1 page in a marie-louise, coaster. Very good state.

Period: 17th century

100 €

Cachet (christophe) - Pandora Bacchica. Published In Toul, In 1614, By Philippi, Modern Binding.

CACHET (Christophe) - Pandora bacchica furens, medicis armis oppugnata. Tulli (Toul), Apud Sebastianum Philippi, 1614; in-12, XXII-456 pp. and 11 table pages, modern full vellum binding, smooth spine.[...]

Period: 17th century

2 750 €

Wooden Box Three Books Medieval Songs From The Middle Ages Illumination By Jean Gradassi Ref610

Box of three books of medieval songs, nicely illustrated with illuminations by Jean GRADASSI printed in 1959. The songs of Jaufré Rudel (born in the 12th century) - copy number 196. The songs [...]

Period: 20th century

650 €

Besse - Theological Conceptions On The Octave Of The Holy Sacrament. Made In Pont-à-mousson In 1614

BESSE (Pierre de) - Theological conceptions on the octave of the holy sacrament & main feasts from Easter to All Saints' Day. Follow-up of theological conceptions on the main festivals from All Saints[...]

Period: 17th century

1 200 €

Beauvau (henry De) - Daily Account Of The Journey To The Levant. Printed By Garnich In 1619.

BEAUVAU (Henry de) - Daily account of the journey to the Levant made and described by the high and powerful lord Henry de Beauvau, baron of the said place and of Manonville, lord of Fléville, Sermaise[...]

Period: 17th century

7 500 €

From The Demonomania Of Sorcerers Bodin Jean Lyon 1593


Period: Before 16th century

2 800 €

Benvenuto His Life And His Treatises On Goldsmithing And Sculpture

Benvenuto Cellini Works: His Life and His Treatises on Goldsmithing and Sculpture. 3 volumes. Milano 1806-1811

Period: 19th century

600 €

Book Of Renaissance Emblems: The Imprese Illustri Of Jeronimo Ruscelli. Venice 1572

Book of Renaissance Emblems: Jeronimo Ruscelli's Illustrated Imprese. Venice 1572. many copper engravings including one on double page with a scene from the Battle of Mühlberg.

Period: 16th century

2 997 €

Livre Des Emblèmes De La Renaissance : Le Imprese Illustri De Jeronimo Ruscelli. Venise 1572

Livre des emblèmes de la renaissance : le imprese illustri de Jeronimo Ruscelli. Venise 1572

Period: 16th century

3 000 €

Work At The Summit Of Spanish Mystical Lyric. Saint John Of The Cross: Spiritual Works

Work at the top of the Spanish mystical lyric. Saint John of the Cross: spiritual works. French edition of 1665 with many comments and additions 24X18cm

Period: 17th century

750 €

The Divine Ariosto Or The Furious Roland. Translated Into 1615

the divine Ariosto or the furious Roland. translated into French by F. de Rosset and dedicated to Marie de Médicis Paris 1615, beautiful edition adorned with extraordinary full-page engravings

Period: 17th century

2 500 €

6 Plates Of Illuminations 1900 Poems Including Victor Hugo

Beautiful exercise in an expensive medieval style at the end of the 19th century. Good condition, only the double sides produce some small traces due to the use of both sides.

Period: 19th century

170 €

Rare Monograph On The Rings: De Annulis Liber Singularis 1657. Bound In Parchment

Rare monograph on rings: De annulis liber singularis 1657. Parchment binding. Scholarly and exhaustive monograph on the rings and their classes and uses, with a compilation of abundant ancient Greek a[...]

Period: 17th century

360 €

Leaf From A Parisian Book Of Hours, Printed On Paper With Beautiful Xylographic Borders

Page from a Parisian Book of Hours, printed on paper with beautiful xylographic borders. End of the 15th century. 14 x 10cm. slightly short margins

Period: Before 16th century

80 €

Binding, Wood And Leather Covering, Metal Studs - 16th Century

Binding, wood and leather covering, metal studs (some missing). The binding is made up of two wooden boards covered in brown leather. Clips partially preserved. Dimensions: cm. 50x39 Period: 16th cent[...]

Period: 16th century

350 €

French Theater Before The Renaissance. 1450-1550 Illuminated Watercolor Figures

French theater before the Renaissance. 1450-1550. in 4º 462 pages and numerous illuminated watercolor figures.

Period: 19th century

140 €

Large In Plano Red Morocco At The Du Seuil "letters From The Illustrious Cardinal Dossat" 1641

Presented in a splendid Du Seuil-style binding in red morocco, spine with raised bands decorated with gilded irons, covers adorned with a fleuron in its center, gilded edges 42 cm x 30 cm x 6.5 cm thi[...]

Period: 17th century

2 800 €

Historical Sources Of Alchemy In Italy. Superbly Illustrated Book. Rome 1925

Historical sources of alchemy in Italy. Superbly illustrated book. Rome 1925. Folio 210 pages with 242 illustrations

Period: 20th century

125 €

Mysterious Symbology Of Poliphile's Dream. Beautiful Illustrations Of The Renaissance Paris 1600

Mysterious Symbology Of Poliphile's Dream. Beautiful Illustrations Of The Renaissance Paris 1600

Period: 16th century

7 500 €

Anglo-catalan Psalter Very Luxurious Fac-simile Moleiro Barcelona Limited Edition

Psautier Anglo-Catalan / Anglo-Catalan Psalter / Psalterium Glasatum. Barcelona, Manuel Moleiro, 2004, 1 vol. large folio (480 x 332 mm) bound in full brown shagreen, spine with 6 raised bands, gilt t[...]

Period: 20th century

3 000 €

Het Schilder-boeck 1604 - Carel Van Mander

Het Schilder-Boeck or Schilder-boek (known in French as Le livre des peintres) is a book written by the Flemish painter and writer Carel van Mander. It was first published in 1604 in Dutch in Haarlem.[...]

Period: 17th century

2 750 €

104 objects
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