Styles Periods Categories



Rome And Antic Greece

19th Century

109 objects

Classic Caprice

A neoclassical oil painting on an oval panel. The scene depicted is the ruins of Palmira. Excellent condition, the painted panel measures 29 by 21.5 cm.

Period: 19th century

1 750 €

Painting, Enamel On Terracotta, 19th Century

Enamelled terracotta plaque marked at the bottom: old Caes gallery.. enamel scribe Perino del Vaga. Note: firing crack and some enamel chips, see photos. Dimensions: 44 cm x 41 cm

Period: 19th century

950 €

Old Painting Portrait Nude Man French Art Academy Oil On Canvas 19th

Beautiful and old 19th century painting, oil on canvas, representing the portrait of a naked man, turned to the left, holding a stick. Beautiful academy, annotated on the back on the frame, Dubosc... [...]

Period: 19th century

800 €

Anrique Painting Of A Woman

Antique painting representing a woman, signed MFB

Period: 19th century

220 €

Oil On Canvas

Oil on canvas, representing the chariot of Cydipus pulled by Cleobis and Biton.

Period: 19th century

980 €

Drawing Luigi Garelli 1862

86 x 62 cms  

Period: 19th century

1 400 €

Painting By Guglielmo Zocchi (florence 1874 – After 1920) “the Performance”

Guglielmo Zocchi (Florence 1874 – after 1920), “The Performance”, 2nd half of the 19th century. Oil on canvas, 70 x 110 cm. Signed “G. Zocchi” on the right. Painting depicting an interior scene i[...]

Period: 19th century

35 000 €

Tableau De Ettore Forti (xixe-xxe Siècle) "pompéi"

Ettore Forti (XIXe-XXe siècle), « Pompéi », 2e moitié du XIXe siècle. Huile sur toile, 60 x 100 cm Signé « Forti » en bas à droite. Le tableau représente une scène de genre au sein de la ville de[...]

Period: 19th century

60 000 €

Huge French Mural Large Mural 19th Century

by French Vintage Interiors Crafted with high-quality materials, this mural is the perfect statement piece for any room in your home. The mural's size 220cm x 145cm and impressive details make it a[...]

Period: 19th century

3 295 €

Oil On Cardboard From The 19th Century Portrait Of A Philosopher, A Biblical Character

I offer you this interesting work, anonymous, on strong cardboard, done in oil paint. Work from the end of the 19th century.

Period: 19th century

90 €

Large Hst Running Monogram Cs 1840

This large oil on canvas depicts the arrival of a foot race at the edge of a lake with a boat, surrounded by mountains, a Roman temple and ruins. The painting features a monogram in Gothic letters, re[...]

Period: 19th century

9 800 €

Rare Paire De Tableaux XIXe Huile Sur Toile Scène Mythologique Mariage Char De Cérès Vestale Grande paire de tableaux huile sur toile milieu du XIXe  scènes mythologiques à la gloire d un mariage adoubé par les dieux romains - le char de Cérès tiré par de[...]

Period: 19th century

3 800 €

19th Century Italian Oil Painting – “apollo And The Muses Dancing” By Antonio Cost

This exquisite 19th century Italian oil painting titled 'Apollo and the Muses Dancing' is a captivating work by artist Antonio Costa, signed and dated to the early 1800s. Painted on a wood panel, the [...]

Period: 19th century

4 700 €

Old Painting Landscape Waterfall Aqueduct Roman Ruin Lyon School 19th Frame

Charming old painting circa 1800, beautiful idealized landscape animated by an Antique ruin, a waterfall and a stream in front of a house in the foreground. Gilded wooden frame captioned in black attr[...]

Period: 19th century

399 €

Old Painting View Italy Temple Rome Castor And Pollux Animated Summer Hst Grand Tour

Beautiful old painting from the 19th century, oil on canvas mounted on cardboard, representing a view of the temple of the Dioscuri in Rome, animated by characters. Beautiful quality study in a modern[...]

Period: 19th century

779 €

Jacques Pillard Old Painting Portrait Virgin And Child Rome Neo Classical Ingres Lyon

Beautiful old painting from the 19th century, oil on canvas signed lower left "Jacques Pillard Rome 1888" and countersigned on the back on the frame, representing a virgin and child in a cloud. Very b[...]

Period: 19th century

3 499 €

Large Nude Woman Painting Ancient Greek Roman Style Thomas Couture Or Lehmann Follower Oil XIX

Large composition of a naked woman posing in the antique style with maenad hair, in the background two studies of priestesses in ritual posture. probably a student or follower of Thomas Couture or Hen[...]

Period: 19th century

2 400 €

Charles Lalou (- 1870 - Oil On Paper

Two paintings - oil on paper framed by the painter Charles Laloue (father of Eugène Galien-Laloue (1854-1941), antique scene. 12 x 7.5 cm 14 x 8 cm Total 47 x 26 cm

Period: 19th century

590 €

Charles Sellier, Leda And The Swan, Oil On Wood, Mid 19th Century.

Very beautiful oil on wood panel from the mid-19th century, attributed to Charles Sellier (1830-1882), representing Leda and the Swan. This painting is an in-depth study of one kept in a private co[...]

Period: 19th century

1 800 €

Antique Painting, 19th Century

Antique painting, 19th century. This painting is very beautiful and well painted.

Period: 19th century

320 €

Painting, Picture Representing Juno

Camaieux painting, representing Juno from the 19th century, in a more recent frame. Please note: some minor restorations on paint flakes, see photos. Frame dimensions: 86 cm x 118.5 cm Painting dimens[...]

Period: 19th century

2 200 €

Painting, Painting On Porcelain

Painting on porcelain representing an antique scene with a red velvet frame. Painting signed and dated: MG January 89 Dimensions: 43 cm x 33.5 cm; Dimensions without frame: 30 cm x 20 cm

Period: 19th century

300 €

Mythological Scene Woodwork 19 Eme

Mythological scene, half-moon, painted on canvas mounted on an old fir paneling. Painted in gold on a grisaille background, the canvas has some cracks and wear in the lower part. Surely an old element[...]

Period: 19th century

420 €

Emilio Vasarri (1826; 1928) Signed. Pompeii, An Afternoon At The Thermal Baths.

Emilio Vasarri (1826; 1928) signed. Pompeii, an afternoon at the thermal baths. Original canvas measuring 74 cm by 53.5 cm Frame measuring 86 cm by 69 cm The artist talentedly offers us a super[...]

Period: 19th century

8 800 €

Alfred Jacques Boisson Beautiful Old Painting Portrait Young Naked Woman Shepherd Arcadia 19th Nîmes

Beautiful old painting late 19th century, oil on canvas signed lower right J. Boisson (Alfred Jacques Boisson) representing a lively pastoral scene of a young undressed shepherd sitting on a rock, pla[...]

Period: 19th century

1 499 €

Aurore Oil On Canvas Old Copy Of A Painting By Guido Reni

19th century reproduction of a fresco, L'Aurore painted by Guido Reni circa 1613-1614 for the Pallavicini Rasigliosi Casino in Rome, unsigned. provide cleaning and some touch-ups of the canvas, as is.[...]

Period: 19th century

5 200 €

Important Painting Biblical Scene, The Announcement To King Herod Of The Birth Of The Child Jesus,

Very interesting painting representing a Biblical scene, probably the announcement to King Herod of the birth of the child Jesus. This painting is a magnificent 19th century French School in the style[...]

Period: 19th century

1 380 €

Oedipus And Antigone, O/l Probable Sketch Of A Masterpiece By P .g. Wickenberg, Swedish Sc.

"Oedipus led by Antigone", Continuing his Curse, having lost his sight, Oedipus, monumental, leans on his daughter Antigone, who is also his sister, as on a vital thread. Antigone is very small here, [...]

Period: 19th century

1 800 €

Simon Horsin-déon. Bacchic Gaiety Painting On Panel

Painting on panel. Bachic Gaîté. Simon Horsin-Déon Art historian, expert painter and merchant, Simon Horsin-Déon (1812-1882) was one of the winners of the restorers' competition launched by the Louvre[...]

Period: 19th century

1 800 €

Oil Painting-signed-louis Vincent-ideal Landscape-1806

Louis VINCENT (Versailles, 1758 – après 1799) PAYSAGE IDEAL Huile sur toile 75 cm x 97 cm 92 cm x 112 cm Signée et daté en bas à droite 1806 Beau cadre en bois sculpté et doré, à décor [...]

Period: 19th century

3 800 €

Old Oil Painting On Canvas Very Early 19th Century: A Vestal Virgin Hst Empire

Pretty little old painting probably representing a vestal virgin in her palmette frame Rubens inspiration, in the draping and scenography, beautiful representation In good condition, full of charm. Pe[...]

Period: 19th century

390 €

Painting On Wood

Painting on wood, ancient decorative element of a Scilian cart, popular art work from the beginning of the 19th century

Period: 19th century

150 €

Neoclassical Allegory 19th Century

Painting on wood panel  32 x 64 cms + frame

Period: 19th century

900 €

Rare Old Painting Young Greek Portrait And Lily Allegory Fertility Marble Garden 19th

All in good condition, see photos. Rare old painting from the 19th century, oil painted on a thin marble slab, representing a young Greek or Roman woman, watering a lily in a landscape. In its gilded [...]

Period: 19th century

599 €

Marie Madeleine Penitente, Kneeling, 19th Century

Oil On Canvas representing Saint Mary Magdalene Penitente, kneeling in prayer, in a Golden Wood Frame, 19th Century. The Frame measures 81 CM x 68 CM The Canvas measures 66 CM x 53 CM This Painting is[...]

Period: 19th century

1 000 €

French School Of The 19th Century. Bust Of Sallust (caius Sallustius Crispus).

French school of the 19th century. Bust of Sallust (Caius Sallustius Crispus, 86-35 BC). After the marble bust preserved at the Palazzo Farnese in Rome. Oil on cardboard mounted on wooden panel. I[...]

Period: 19th century

800 €

Antique Italian Landscape Painting

Pretty painting on wood representing an imaginary landscape? decorated with ancient ruins against a backdrop of a wooded landscape. 19th century

Period: 19th century

1 550 €

Painting Oil On Canvas Marouflaged On Wood Of An Antique Animated Scene By Royer 1874

Oil painting on canvas mounted on wood representing an antique scene animated with characters and ruins. Beautiful depth with mountains and sky in the background. Beautiful trees surround the foregrou[...]

Period: 19th century

1 800 €

Claude Gellée Dit Le Lorrain (after) The Disembarkation Of Cleopatra 19th-century French School

Claude Gellée dit Le Lorrain (after) The Disembarkation of Cleopatra 19th-century French school Collection MLD Antiquités: This beautiful painting after Claude Gellée is not visible in our Gallery,[...]

Period: 19th century

6 500 €

The Triumph Of Silenus, Oil On Canvas From The XIX Eme Century

Interesting oil on canvas mounted on a wooden panel representing the triumph of Silenus. a very beautiful bacchanalia scene animated by many characters: Silene appears wearing a crown of vine branch[...]

Period: 19th century

1 650 €

Oil On Canvas, Venice By Paul Steck

This painting represents the interior of Saint-Marc's Basilica STECK Paul Albert (1866-1924) pseudonym of Paul Albert DUGAS Pupil of Gemme, Member of French Artists since 1896. He received an[...]

Period: 19th century

3 200 €

View Of The Acropolis By Félix Cambon. 142 X 105 Cm

Large symbolist HST representing a light effect on the Acropolis. Slight vertical creases. No catering. Signed lower right. Félix Cambon: Born in Sète in 1875, died in Béziers in 1961. Raised in fine [...]

Period: 19th century

1 800 €

Carnovali, Giovanni, Oil Painting 'the Resurrection Of Tabitha'

Carnovali, Giovanni, dit il Piccio (Montegrino Valtravaglia 1804 - drowned in the Po and buried in Cremona, 1873), studied from 1815 at the Carrara Academy in Bergamo under the neoclassical painter Gi[...]

Period: 19th century

480 €

"L'enlèvement des filles de Leucippe" grande huile sur toile d'aprés RUBENS.

En 1617 Rubens, fameux peintre baroque Flamand, tire cette scène brutale de la mythologie grecque: L'enlèvement des filles de Leucippe, Hilaire et Phébé par les jumeaux, Castor et Pollux, afin  de les[...]

Period: 19th century

5 300 €

Neoclassic Painting Early 19th Century

Venus and Adonis  after canova marble sculpture 198 x 155 cms

Period: 19th century

24 000 €

Beautiful Old Religious Painting Intercession Virgin Angel Heaven Study Sv Lenepveu 19 Neo Classic

Beautiful old painting from the 19th century, oil on panel, model / study, representing an intercession of the Virgin, in the spirit of the studies of Jules Eugène Lenepveu. A thumbtack hole in the sk[...]

Period: 19th century

1 199 €

Ulysses And The Cyclops Polyphemus Large Oil On Canvas Circa 1900 Naked Man

Ulysses and the Cyclops Polyphemus Large oil on canvas circa 1900, signature lower right Jean Renault. Good condition. 2 small shocks on the left. Dimensions: Of the canvas: 81 x 100 cm Wit[...]

Period: 19th century

2 200 €

Fixed Under Glass Romantic Scene In The Antique Italia Rt630

Romantic scene in the antique fixed and painted under glass. Period: early 19th century. Sold in its juice, beautiful freshness of the colors, some lack of paint related to seniority (see photos[...]

Period: 19th century

290 €


Oil on canvas representing an allegory of Bacchus after the Italian school of the 16th century. Important wooden frame and gilded stucco in rockery style, relining and cleaning at the end of the 20th [...]

Period: 19th century

1 400 €

L'innocence par Alois Hans Schram (1864 - 1919), attr.

The painting was executed in 1890-1900s and due to the style and similar compositions was attributed to the renown Austrian portrait and genre artist Alois Hans Schram (Schramm), born 1864 in Vienna[...]

Period: 19th century

1 200 €

Léon Marie Benoit (1865-1917), Cabin In A Forest Landscape, Oil On Mounted Canvas

Léon Marie Benoit (Bains les Bains 1865-1917) Cabin in a forest landscape Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard 35 x 24 cm As it is - some lack of material Painter of still lifes and landscapes, b[...]

Period: 19th century

230 €

French School 19th Century Pair Of Grotesques

French school 19th century  Pair of Grotesques 49.2 x 119 cm each

Period: 19th century

2 400 €

Historical Table The Battle Of Alesia Vercingetorix Against Julius Caesar

historical painting from the end of the 19th century representing the battle of alesia vercingetorix against julius caesar oil on panel signature a sayssel lower left in a wooden frame and gilded stuc[...]

Period: 19th century

1 500 €

Derickx, Louis

Oil on panel signed Louis DERICKX (1835-1895). Dimensions with frame: 50cm x 40cm Dimensions without frame: 35.5cm x 24.5cm

Period: 19th century

900 €

Nicolas Forcella Two Oriental Paintings (egypt, Cairo)

nicolas forcella born in 1850 two oriental paintings most certainly painted in egypt one oil on canvas and the other on panel wooden frame turned with some accidents Nicola Forcella (born December 2, [...]

Period: 19th century

4 900 €

A. Hiremy Hirschl (1860-1933)- Rome - Trajan's Column - Italy

Adolf Hiremy Hirschl (1860-1933) - Rome - Trajan's Column - oil on canvas - the back is also painted, unsigned.

Period: 19th century

1 200 €

Small Table Oil On Panel, Mountainous Landscape

Lovely little painting representing two riders on horseback against a backdrop of a mountainous landscape. Oil on wood panel. Work of very good quality and great finesse. Beautiful gilt frame in Louis[...]

Period: 19th century

1 800 €

"promenade En Main" Oil On Canvas 19th

"Promenade en Main" Oil on Canvas 19th Where we see a man and his dog holding an athletic thoroughbred, attentive to the artist who paints it, in a green countryside. Small line in the sky otherwise g[...]

Period: 19th century

550 €

P.kuhn, Religious Painting Representing A Cardinal

P Kuhn, oil painting on canvas representing a cardinal Pretty old gilded frame, small restorations to be planned Dimension frame included 74 cm * 63 cm

Period: 19th century

750 €

Large Oil On Canvas The Cows At The River

Large oil on canvas, representing cows at the 19th century rivers. Nice shade work on the sky, which brings depth to the picture. In the foreground we have a group of cows with a dog and a woman. We c[...]

Period: 19th century

950 €

109 objects
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