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Vases And Glass Objects

Vases and glass objects


18th Century

3 objects

Large Oil Lamp (possibly For Religious Use..) Irish Work For The Turkish Market.

Large 4-light oil lamp (4 branches for the wicks) probably for religious use. The oil lamp is made up at its top by a carrying handle, the whole rests on a wide domed base. Irish, English or contin[...]

Period: 18th century

2 200 €

Chinese Meiping Realgar Vase

At first half 19th. century Chinese mottled scarlet and black meiping-form miniature glass vase. Everted short neck, waisted lower body, and slightly concave base, the glass is similar to jasper or co[...]

Period: 18th century

550 €

Islamic Aftabeh Ewer In Blown Glass, Late 18th Century Period

Old Islamic ewer in blown glass. Very beautiful bubbled blue color. The finely formed spout and handle contribute to the graceful silhouette of the object 18cm high Very good condition

Period: 18th century

250 €

3 objects
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