Ancient Engraving Of Bastia - Corsica flag

Ancient Engraving Of Bastia - Corsica
Ancient Engraving Of Bastia - Corsica-photo-2
Ancient Engraving Of Bastia - Corsica-photo-3

1499644-main-67c1d6b6eade9.jpg 1499644-67c1d6c6e6b0e.jpg 1499644-67c1d6c70dbb6.jpg

Object description :

"Ancient Engraving Of Bastia - Corsica"
Epreuve originale réalisée vers 1780. D’Aubigny dessinateur.
Coloris aquarelle.
Fines rousseurs claires éparses dans les marges n’atteignant pas l’épreuve.
Bon état.
Format feuille : 51 x 34 cm.
Format gravure : 37 x 24,5 cm.
Original antique engraving around 1780.
Capitale de l’ile de la Corse prise du pied de la tour de Toga, sur le chemin du Cap Corse.

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Jean D’Aubigny dessinateur, né à Beauvais dans la 2nde moitié du 18e siècle, élève à l’Académie royale en septembre 1765, protégé de Jean-Jacques Bachelier, il est peintre de paysages et topographe.
Il arrive en Corse en 1773 engagé comme dessinateur dans le cadre du plan du Terrier. Il fait partie du bureau des géomètres et collabore autour de 1780 au Voyage pittoresque du comte de La Borde. Il devient chef dessinateur du département de la Corse en 1793. Il est encore actif en 1800.
Original proof made around 1780. D'Aubigny draftsman. Watercolor coloring. Light, thin foxing scattered in the margins, not reaching the proof. Good condition. Sheet size: 51 x 34 cm. Engraving size: 37 x 24.5 cm. Original antique engraving around 1780. Capital of the island of Corsica taken from the foot of the Toga tower, on the way to Cap Corse. You can consult all the maps, books and engravings available on your region by clicking on the link of our website specializing in old geographical archives: Secure payment by credit card on our website by clicking on the link below: All our maps and engravings are accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Jean D'Aubigny draftsman, born in Beauvais in the 2nd half of the 18th century, student at the Royal Academy in September 1765, protégé of Jean-Jacques Bachelier, he is a landscape painter and topographer. He arrived in Corsica in 1773 hired as a draftsman as part of the Terrier plan. He was part of the surveyors' office and collaborated around 1780 on the Voyage pittoresque du comte de La Borde. He became chief designer of the department of Corsica in 1793. He was still active in 1800.
Price: 275 €
Period: 18th century
Style: Other Style
Condition: Excellent condition

Material: Paper

Reference: 1499644

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Ancient Engraving Of Bastia - Corsica

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