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Galerie Moulins

Galerie Moulins

Peintures , Dessins, Sculptures
Toulouse, 31000
La galerie Moulins a vu le jour en 1994. Installés dans le centre historique de Toulouse,nous exposons pour partie nos artistes régionaux,tels que Henri Martin, Achille Laugé,Jean-Paul Laurens,George Daniel de Monfreid,Georges Artemoff, Marc Saint-Saëns, mais nous proposons aussi des tableaux anciens ou modernes ainsi que des dessins venant de divers horizons.A l'occasion, on peut trouver chez no[...]
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Galerie Muscari

Galerie Muscari

20th century decorative arts, Modern & Contemporain paintings
Pau, 64000
Adrien Terret 20 th century decorative arts, Modern & Contemporain paintings, Regionalist paintings and curiosities. 4 Rue Bordenave d'Abère 64000 Pau
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Galerie N°4

Galerie N°4

Antiquaire généraliste
Paris, 75015
Mélange de tradition et de modernité, la Galerie N°4 propose des pièces du XVIIIème jusqu'aux années 40. Alain Guillois et Yves Collin mixent les styles avec le souci permanent d'une cohérence décorative.[...]
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Galerie Nicolas Fournery

Galerie Nicolas Fournery

Chinese Export Porcelain
Paris, 75001
Nicolas’s passion for ceramics started a long time ago. He was always especially fascinated by the porcelains exported from China to Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. It might partly results from his childhood spent in Nantes. He graduated from the Ecole du Louvre, his major beeing French Decoratives Arts from Renaissance to the 19th century. There, Nicolas studied ceramics. In 2012, the[...]
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Galerie Nicolas Lenté

Galerie Nicolas Lenté

Furniture and works of art from the Middle Ages to 18th century
Paris, 75007
Galerie Nicolas Lenté is located in the heart of Paris, only a few steps away from the Louvre Museum, the gallery is situated at 2, rue des Saints-Pères in the historical Hôtel de Tessé, the former 18th century mansion house, built at the corner of quai Voltaire. By pushing open the gallery's door, you will find a well-selected range of furniture, paintings and works of art dating from the 16th to[...]
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Galerie Nicolas Vanneste

Galerie Nicolas Vanneste

Paintings - drawings
Paris, 75001
Interresting by painting and drawing, i sell works of art selected for their quality. Historian of art specialized in the XVIIIth century, i'm interresed in the XIXth century which is the hearth of my job. Have a look to the works of art sold by me...[...]
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Galerie Nota Bene

Galerie Nota Bene

Paintings and Drawings, 19th and 20th century
Paris, 75 009
Nota Bene buys and sells French and Foreign Art from the 19th century to nowadays: paintings, drawings, sculptures.
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Galerie Nuits de chine

Galerie Nuits de chine

Arts décoratifs, fin XIXième s. / début XXième s.
Pau, 64000
La Galerie Nuits de chine vous propose une sélection d'objets d'art, de décoration et de collection, principalement des périodes Art déco et Art nouveau. Luminaires, vases, coupes, sculptures, miroirs, sellettes, consoles, objets de vitrine ... sont visibles sur Proantic mais également sur salons antiquaires. Les envois sont très soignés. [...]
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Galerie NUMA

Galerie NUMA

Tableaux, dessins anciens et modernes
Paris, 75017
Située idéalement au centre de Paris, la Galerie NUMA présente une sélection de peintures, de dessins anciens et modernes qui répondent tous à des critères de qualité, d'unicité et présentent un intérêt artistique indéniable. Les collectionneurs, les amateurs d'art et les institutions lui font confiance depuis plus de 17 ans. Envois sécurisés avec assurance en France et à l'étranger.[...]
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Art précolombien, Archéologie, Arts premiers
Issigeac, 24560
The Galerie Ocarina is a cabinet of curiosities open to the world, a small enclave of exoticism and culture located in the Marais district, in a quiet street not far from the quays and the village St Paul in the 4th arrondissement of Paris. Objects from different backgrounds are appraised and sold with a certificate of authenticity. The prices are reasonable because the idea is to make art acces[...]
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Art Déco, Art Nouveau, Tribal Art, Ceramic and Slip.
Arles, 13200
It is said that "at first she was shapeless and empty." This earth, on which we come to life, is the matter of everything. For the philosopher, it is a tangible reality, anything that can be the object of experiments. For Richard Vinatier, if there is one that has always fascinated him, it is that of the Creative Gesture, of the hand of Man who shapes matter to give it substance, to make it a refl[...]
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Galerie Paolino CASCIELLO

Galerie Paolino CASCIELLO

Meubles et objets d'art du XVIIIème siècle à l'Art Déco
Paris, 75015
Située au cœur de Paris, non loin de la tour Eiffel, La Galerie Paolino CASCIELLO vous accueille dans espace exclusivement piétonnier et vous offre un large choix de meubles et objets d'art. Nous vous recevons aux horaires indiqués et sur rendez-vous.[...]
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Galerie Paris Manaus

Galerie Paris Manaus

Paris-Manaus Gallery
Paris, 75015
At the Swiss Village since 1970, the Paris-Manaus gallery presents the works of painters and sculptors from the 19th and 20th centuries, with a particular passion for those we call “traveling artists”. The rarity of the selected works testifies to long and passionate research: Carpeaux, Despiau, Barrias, Becquerel, Barye, Lipchitz… and the greatest figurative, animal, orientalist or Africanist sc[...]
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Galerie Particulière antiquités

Galerie Particulière antiquités

Fresnay-sur-Sarthe, 72130
Passionate about art and beautiful objects for 30 years, we wanted to share this passion by opening an antique shop in a historic village in Sarthe, a pretty shop that looks like us ; objects which are sometimes more difficult to find and which will be able to integrate eclectic universes with a particular appetite for ceramics. [...]
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Galerie Pascal Badié

Galerie Pascal Badié

Arts du XXème et bagages anciens
Nice, 06300
Depuis 35 ans, nous sommes en quête perpétuelle de nouveautés dans des domaines aussi divers que le mobilier, les luminaires, la sculpture, mais aussi les bijoux d'artistes. Dans notre Galerie, fondée en 2006, située au coeur du quartier des Antiquaires de Nice, nous mettons en scène une sélection d'oeuvres et de meubles des Arts Décoratifs du XXème siècle. Nous privilégions les créations d'artis[...]
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Galerie Passé Présent

Galerie Passé Présent

Antiquités , arts décoratifs et arts plastiques du XX et XXI siècle-
Bruxelles, 1000
La Galerie Passé Présent est active dans le milieu de l’art et de l’antiquité depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans. Son domaine de prédilection est la recherche des créations, principalement des années 1920 aux années 1960, tant dans le domaine du mobilier, que de la peinture et des arts décoratifs. La galerie a également pour passion la mise en lumière du travail d’artistes contemporains actifs dans des[...]
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Galerie Passiflora

Galerie Passiflora

Antiquités XIXe, Mobilier, Verrerie & Porcelaine
Saint-Ouen, 93400
Furniture, Glassware and Porcelain 18th and 19th Centuries
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Galerie Patrick Boutillier

Galerie Patrick Boutillier

Specialiste Tableaux, Ecole de Crozant
Saint-Sébastien, 23160
La GALERIE PATRICK BOUTILLIER est une Galerie de tableaux basée à SAINT SEBASTIEN près CROZANT dans le Département de la CREUSE. Vous y trouverez des oeuvres des peintres de l'ECOLE DE CROZANT ,dont elle s'est spécialisée;mais également des oeuvres de qualité,françaises et étrangères. Les oeuvres sont visibles sur Rendez-vous. N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour tout renseignement complémentaire[...]
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Galerie Patrick Burtin

Galerie Patrick Burtin

Art Moderne, Art Contemporain
Nantes, 44300
The Gallery showcases artists from the Second School of Paris and their paintings from the 50s to the 80s. Discover through our works the aesthetic currents that breathed new life into the art of the second half of the 20th century. Our paintings are combined with our sculptures and objets d'art. Each of our works is carefully selected and acquired after an examination of its quality (pictori[...]
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Galerie Patrick Lammens

Galerie Patrick Lammens

Antiquités - Objets de Décoration
Bruxelles, 1000
Tableaux, objets de décoration et meubles de toute époque. Maison fondée en 1974 située au Sablon, quartier des arts de Bruxelles
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Galerie Pellat de Villedon

Galerie Pellat de Villedon

French furnitures of the 17th & 18th centuries
Versailles, 78000
Located next to the Château de Versailles, the Galerie Pellat de Villedon welcomes you to it’s new setting at the Hôtel de Bouillon. Originally built in 1670 based on designs by the architect Louis Le Vau, the Hôtel de Bouillon was renovated with respect for its history and opens its doors to the public every day from Wednesday to Sunday. Furniture and art objects, meticulously selected with taste[...]
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Bijoux anciens
Paris, 75017
Behind the Galerie Pénélope lies a story, but above all a passion for stories. Inspired by Penelope, her grandmother, who throughout her life nourished her intellectual coquetry with precious objects and books, Camille, the founder, decided to turn these common passions into a profession, hunting historical treasures full of emotions. The most beautiful pieces are selected thanks to her experien[...]
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Galerie Pentecoste-Darbois

Galerie Pentecoste-Darbois

Ancient Paintings - Sculptures - Bronzes
Lyon, 69000
Paintings of the 17th, 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Objects of art, sculptures, bronzes, marbles. Precious furniture. Expert in old paintings.
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Galerie Perron

Galerie Perron

Antiquités Art du XXème
Besançon, 25 000
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Galerie PhC

Galerie PhC

Paintings and sculptures from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries
Troyes, 10000
The PhC gallery selects old paintings and sculptures from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Art lovers will find there the French, Flemish, Dutch and Italian schools in the different genres: portraits, seascapes, vedute... Each painting is chosen for the quality of the painting, its pictorial or even historical interest without forgetting, of course, the emotion and the beauty. An informative not[...]
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Galerie Phil Arts

Galerie Phil Arts

Tableaux modernes, Régionalisme (Pays Basque, Bordelais), Ecole de Paris
Laloubère, 65310
Located at the edge of the Pyrenees, the Phil Arts Gallery is specializing in the sale of modern and contemporary paintings. Its two main field of activities are regionalism and the School of Paris. As for regionalism, the offer focuses on paintings depicting the Basque Country, by French and Spanish Painters originating from the Basque Country, or French painters having visited and stayed in th[...]
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Galerie Philippe Guinand

Galerie Philippe Guinand

Art Deco -Art Nouveau - Silver Table Ware - Glass - Lights - Bronze
Nice, 06300
For more than 30 years we are specialized in the selection of outstanding pieces of the XX century such as Art Tableware, silver and silver-plates pieces, glass, bronze, lights and sconces. We are presents in Nice and at Saint-Tropez as well as remarquable Antique Fairs in Europe. Today we are pleased to meet you on this platform. Best regards. Philippe Guinand.[...]
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Galerie Philippe Kozak

Galerie Philippe Kozak

Antiques dealer
Valenciennes, 59 300
antiques dealer since 1984 in North France, specialist in sculpture and painting
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Galerie Pierre Zordan

Galerie Pierre Zordan

Antiquités Mobilier XVIII ème librairie décoration bibliothèques sur mesure
Belberaud, 31450
S. Clerget-Zordan offers old bookases and libraries that we make in our workschos with custom woodwork we lookfor beautiful woodwork pharmacies, fireplaces, fontains, doors.
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Galerie Pignolet

Galerie Pignolet

20th century objects and furniture
Namur, 5000
With more than 25 years' experience and passion, we present you with quality antique and 20th century works of art. Our selection criteria are authenticity, quality, choice of materials and techniques used. We will be happy to answer your questions in French or English on +32(0)498295815. On request, we can send you photos or videos of product details via Whatsapp. We deliver worldwide by se[...]
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Tableaux toutes époques
Saint-Ouen, 93400
La Galerie POMARIA etait installée aux cœur du marché d'antiquité des Puces de Paris dès 1980. Depuis le début, la galerie est spécialisée dans les tableaux de toutes époques, suivant les collections visitées et achetées. Ces nombreuses années de transactions dans la période foisonnante, ont permis un "retour d"expérience" et donc un rapport qualité/ prix remarquable. La galerie Pomaria qui éta[...]
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Galerie Portalis Aix

Galerie Portalis Aix

Tableaux anciens et modernes
Aix-en-Provence, 13100
Established in Aix en Provence since 1994, we present ancient and modern paintings, from the 17th to the 20th century, as well as drawings and prints. A selection of paintings is exhibited in Aix en Provence Galerie des 3 Ormeaux - Portalis, 7 rue Jaubert.[...]
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Galerie Punchinello

Galerie Punchinello

Ancien art of Asia and Oceania
Paris, 75003
The Punchinello Gallery is located in the historic heart of the Marais district, between the Carnavalet and the Picasso Museums. Since 1985, the Gallery has been dedicated to the ancient arts of Asia and Oceania. It regularly participates to international and national art fairs and organises thematic exhibitions within its walls. Jacques Lebrat - European Chamber of Expert-Advisors in Fine Art ac[...]
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Galerie Quattro

Galerie Quattro

Old paintings and art objects.
Dijon, 21000
Since its creation in 2014, Galerie Quattro is known as a must in its native Burgundy for collectors and art enthusiasts. The selection of works of art, paintings, sculptures operated with taste and care offers a range of varied and diverse works, mainly oriented towards old painting and the European high period. Multiple collaborations with experts, galleries and museums allow Galerie Quattro to [...]
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Galerie Raf Van Severen

Galerie Raf Van Severen

Tableaux XXème siècle
Anvers, 2000
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Galerie Raoul Dutillieul

Galerie Raoul Dutillieul

Arts Asiatiques et Porcelaines de Tournai
Tournai, 7500
Antiques & Art’s gallery is located in the heart of the historic center of the city of Tournai in Belgium. The gallery specializes in Asian and Buddhist arts from different eras, from archeology through the Imperial dynasties and ending with the 20th. century. Different regions and countries of Asia are represented there. Porcelain from Tournai is also well integrated, thanks among other things t[...]
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Galerie Raphaël and co

Galerie Raphaël and co

19th Century Art dealer : PURCHASE . SALE . VALUATION
Saint-Ouen, 93400
Graduate of the Ecole du Louvre, specialty "Arts of the nineteenth century," Raphael Gonzalez quickly became the right arm of many very reputable and expert advice from many auctioneers for organizing public auctions. He opened his first Art gallery in June 1994 in the heart of the famous flea market of Paris. The gallery has since continued to search for bronzes, marbles and works of art of the[...]
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Galerie Raphaël Bedos

Galerie Raphaël Bedos

Curiosités, Art Populaire, Compagnonnage
Paris, 75001
Raphaël Bedos, former student of the Ecole du Louvre, chose the hotel Le Pelletier de la Houssaye to make it an essential setting for collectors of rare and unusual objects from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. You will find in our Cabinet of Curiosities regional furniture, masterpieces of companions and their tools, ironwork (locks, keys), collections of glazed earthenware, glassware but also[...]
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Galerie Regnault de Merlet

Galerie Regnault de Merlet

18th century art furniture
Paris, 75008
Passionate about French furniture from the 18th and 19th centuries and trained in artistic cabinetmaking at the Boulle school in Paris, I offer you objects carefully restored in my Parisian workshop. Respect for the ethics of the restorer (use of traditional techniques and materials, reversibility of restorations, preservation of the integrity of the furniture) and transparency are the cardinal v[...]
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Galerie Renaissance

Galerie Renaissance

Design | Antiques | Art | Minimalism | Art Deco | Modern | 1950s
Saint-Ouen, 93400
Boutique 28, Marché Biron à Saint-Ouen. 85 Rue des Rosiers, 93400. Mère et fille se sont associées pour dénicher, restaurer et présenter des trésors exceptionnels et originaux. La Galerie Renaissance incarne les valeurs fondamentales du mélange et de la variété en présentant une collection hétéroclite d'œuvres tout en restant ancrée dans l'essence du minimalisme. Les créateurs ont à l[...]
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